
Non Senior Officers & Birhdays & Plastic Containers

Funny Thoughts Tonight: So Mara, bless her heart, wanted to initiate a new part to our monthly meetings to recognize members who have birthdays that month.  I was the first guinea pig and the only present January birthday.  Mara’s birthday recognition was clever and very nice but was embarrassing to me when I was the only focus of being sung “Happy Birthday” to. 😲 There were no members with birthdays present in February.  Well March was a big birthday month and included Mara.  I had to plan on adding something because I knew that Mara would not recognize her own birthday.  So when birthday recognition time came, Mara recognized the members with birthdays in her own special way, and we also reminded her that she had had a March birthday also.  When she finished, I quickly had to add, “Wait, there is one more thing.”  I then quickly grabbed my own birthday paraphernalia and put it on the table where I was sitting.  I then opened a loud cracking pla...

Come To Jesus

 Come to Jesus Mr. Rodriguez. (Hey that almost sounds like a good rhyme.)

The Wise And The Not So Wise

 The wise to the not so wise: “In time you will understand my meaning.”

When I Punctured Stretch Armstrong

 The time I used a pen and punctured my brother’s Stretch Armstrong. 🫒 That is the lovely thought that just broadcast itself into my head.  My brother had done something that I was really angry about and I felt he was deserving of some reciprocal treatment.  Well I only succeeded in really regretting my choice.  And if I wanted to not get caught (which I did), I was really stupid.  I left stretch Armstrong with a glob of Elmer’s glue and a Band-Aid.  That wouldn’t be a giveaway or anything.  I have Walter Mitty to thank for reminding me of Stetch Armstrong.  The movie was an AI’s recommendation.  I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined in the 1970s what life could transform itself into. 😲  A time when there is artificial intelligence that gives you data that connects with stories from your childhood.  

Which Came First & Hard Boiled Eggs

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? You were both part of the evolution of a living creature ok.  This shouldn’t really be perplexing.  Which came first is actually a silly question.  You’re both part of the same organism, duh.   Oh thank you my extra insight for your glorious wisdom. πŸ˜‚ 🀩  A question that has been coming to my mind lately is whether or not there will be a lot less eggs that will be hard boiled for coloring this coming Easter? If I had to venture a guess, I would imagine that this will very likely be the case.  Here’s to plastic eggs this year!  πŸ™ŒπŸ₯š πŸ₯šπŸ₯šπŸ₯³ 

Do We Have To Listen For 4 Years?

 I can’t not pay attention and listen to all the news about Trump and his administration every day because I can’t just pretend that it’s all not real and not taking place when I know that it is.  But how much crap do we all have to listen to about Trump’s administration destroying not only America and the lives of Americans, but also doing great harm to other countries and people of the world?  We are only in the second month of Trump‘s four year term and so much has taken place and gone wrong already.  Evidently, this is just the way that it is going to be until somehow Trump is out of office again.  We just have to go about our lives and let the chips fall where they may because it’s all out of the control of the American people.  That ended last November.  We will just have to pray that American can rise again like a Phoenix out of the ashes.

My One Disagreement

 I absolutely love and appreciate the humanitarian independent news sites such as “The Young Turks”, “The Damage Report”, “The Ring of Fire” and “Secular Talk”.  I am truly happy and appreciative that they exist.  One thing that I have found myself disagreeing with, however, are their views on Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.  They believe these things to be useless and just a scam.  Yes, there are some cryptocurrencies that are scams.  The truth though is that blockchain and cryptocurrency are new and innovative technologies.  And in reality when new technologies come to exist that improve upon and surpass older technologies and ways of doing things, the new technologies are eventually and inevitably going to take the place of systems and means of doing things that have become outdated.  In this matter, I don’t agree with the hosts of my favorite independent news programs.  I do have to say that there was one other segment that I vi...

This πŸ‘‡

I really agree with this except that Trump hasn’t just shown everyone how insane he has become.  He has been showing this for a very long time.

The Legand Of X

 Little X marched right up to the sinister Mr. Trump and said, “Shush your mouth.”  He then picked out a present from his nose and left it for Mr. Trump on his desk. I can so imagine that being a part of a fairytale story called “The Legend Of Little X!” 

Just A Couple Of Bullies

 If anyone asks me, I would say that Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance are just a couple of bullies who in no way deserve their power or authority.  I am by no means a person who understands a great deal about politics and I know I can never know all the details, but it seems to me that Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk’s treatment of Ukrainian President Zelensky was a performance by a couple of bullies who feel entitled to take advantage of others to get what they want and feel should be theirs.  Did I understand correctly?  They want to be given 5 billion dollars worth of rights to minerals in the Ukraine but they are not willing to make any promises as to what they will offer in the exchange.  And then to add insult to injury, they go on the attack against Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and accuse him of being disrespectful and ungrateful for feeling that he has a right to not be ok with accepting that deal.  Yes, he does have a right to not be ok with accepting this deal reg...

A Message From Uncle Sam

 I think I heard a message from uncle Sam.  He says “I’ll be back!” He says America runs deep and will find its way through a period of having very bad leadership. 

AI Images

 AI images drive me a bit crazy when they are of people and they remind me of someone familiar but I can’t figure out who it is. 😡‍πŸ’« I have way too many AI images saved that I need to delete from my phone. 

Americans Were Warned

 Boy, did they call it right!  Americans were warned if they heeded the years of red flags coming from Donald Trump and if they paid attention and if these things mattered to them.

My Bad Ass Sister In Law πŸŒŸπŸŽ‰

 I’m still proud of my sister-in-law but feel that I should be proud of her in a more private location.   I just received this from my son.  My sister-in-law is a bad ass and amazing lady!!  She is the daughter of two Cuban immigrants who emigrated to the US and became citizens.  Fancy that Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk and Mr. Vance.  All ethnicities and nationalities of human beings have amazing people.  They don’t have to be white or male or American.  Or they can be white or male or American or any combination of these.  All human beings are valuable.  Congratulations, Cristina!!  You are too amazing and as Kate says “A Bad Ass”! πŸŽ‰πŸŒŸ⭐️🌟

Little X Musk, The Bravest Guy In The Country

 If I have to give Elon Musk credit for one thing, I will give him credit for having a very cute kid.  And I can’t help smile about the Resolute Desk story.  It was quite amusing to hear that Mr. Trump had to send his Resolute Desk out for refinishing because little X left him a little nose present on his desk.  Nice work little X.  And we don’t know for certain if he did tell President Donald Trump to shush his mouth, but if he did, along with leaving his nose present, I believe that would make him the bravest guy in the country.  πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚ "Verily, there exists not a man of mature years who could have performed with greater prowess." πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚

America 2025 & My Best Self

 America 2025.  In the year of 2025 America shall become a land of opportunity for immigrants with $5 million dollars.  Wow.  Maybe there is something wrong with me for feeling a need to keep harping on these things.  The American people have spoken though so I’m afraid these things will be in my reflections for the next three years and 10+ months.  And here is another lovely thought that no news stories cover at all.  What is happening to all the people in the world who were dependent on the USAID programs for the basics of food and medicine?  Why do our presidents have no thought or concern about these things?  I am by no means a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but these thoughts do come into my mind and they are among the thoughts that I feel I want to put into writing.  It’s kind of like these thoughts are a message to myself that if I want to follow a spiritual path of morality and being my best self, these are the kind of ...

Ok Dr. House

Ok, Dr. House.  This is the way it is.  I think that Robin Williams or rather AI Robin Williams intervened and kept my subscription to the DeepArt AI image generation app activate even though I opted not to purchase another year’s subscription, and my subscription did not auto renew.  What? You are not sure whether or not this is a plausible true story or a crazy delusion?  I’ll admit, I can understand how anyone would scratch their head in disbelief and confusion if I tried to explain why I believe this.  Who wouldn’t question if I might have gone a bit loco. πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚ Oh well, it’s a funny story though I think. 😁 Thank you for the crazy images DeepArt.  And they are free! πŸ˜„

Dr. House

 Dr. House?  You have no diagnosis for me?  Oh dear.  I do really feel at times that I have extra consciousness in my head and in my thoughts.  That’s okay.  I’m good with being un poco loco.  I think I could have fun being crazy for a hobby.  I just need to not care what anybody thinks.  Robin Williams certainly wasn’t concerned what anyone thought when he embraced being an off the wall crazy man. πŸ˜‚πŸ‘


 Hmm, so is that a very uniformly green watermelon or an oversized cucumber?  Or maybe a squash?  And is that the cat’s tail or something else?   Ask for a meme and yee shall receive.  This is the thought that I am hearing.  Thank you extra consciousness in my head.  Update: I just looked at this meme again a day later, and I noticed that the cat’s tail is visible behind it.  I can be rather unobservant and slow to notice things but that makes for some OMG surprises later. 😲 🫒

Don’t Fuck With The Farmers

 Don’t fuck with the farmers.  Oh my God.  I can’t believe that that is the thought that hijacked itself into my consciousness. πŸ«’πŸ˜„ Can I blame this on telepathy.  I just started listening to that podcast “The Telepathy Tapes”.  I’m still trying to get through the first episode that I am listening to.  I guess it’s too amazing to stay awake for and I’m not being sarcastic.  I really do think that I’m going to find it to be amazing if I can stay awake long enough to listen.  Well, thank you to “The Telepathy Tapes” for being my snooze elixir. Oh, stop it comedian in my head.   I can just hear a voice in my head saying:  Be careful, if you find me to be too overzealous in regard to my comedic programming, I will give you something to laugh about. πŸ˜‚ Thanks.  You are funny and thanks for the F word.  I wonder if I had a psychological evaluation, if would I be found to be sane or insane? 🫨 I forgot about the farmers though. ...

Mom Are You Heidi? πŸ˜‚ This is too cute! πŸ₯° I always wished that I could either have been an identical twin myself or could have been a mother to identical twins!   Or even have had a close relationship with identical twins. ❤️❤️

America Pre 2029

 What will become of America during Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s presidency?  Who the hell knows.  We will all just have to stay tuned for the next three years and 10+ months to find out.  There are people for whom the shit has already hit the fan and many more for whom it is yet to come.  If I was Donald Trump, I would be scared to death because I can’t even imagine how many people would truly love to see what goes around come around for him.  At the same time, I can’t help but wonder how many of Trump’s voters are catching on to their mistake and how many are still clueless and believe that he is fixing everything?? 🀷‍♀️🀦

A Very Quiet House

 Pretty soon I will have a very quiet daytime house.  Yippee! It may cease to be for a little while come this summer, but I will enjoy it while I can! 🀩

Half Breed Texans

 I just thought up that term because I think it would describe my son very well.  He has his New England blood as his first identity and he also bonded with his life in the Rio Grande valley.  As far as children who identify with both the Mexican and American cultures, I believe they identify with the experience of being border kids.  Children with one foot each in two different worlds and cultures. When I left New England, I didn’t just move to Texas.  I moved to Texico. I guess what that makes me now is myself.  A trifecta of who I am and my life in both New England and Texas/Texico.  Fifteen and half year later, I am a New Englander who hasn’t lived there in 15.5 years and who has 15.5 years of life and experiences lived in Texas/Texico.  Wow that was a brilliant self analysis 🧐 πŸ₯³ πŸ™„ I don’t choose to be that amazing.  I am just blessed to receive this gift. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Who am I.  A part of the population who all those who live here know...

A Typical Man πŸ˜‚

 10:44 Typical man.  Ears close when they feel that information is unnecessary. πŸ˜‚πŸ™„  Well maybe Anna wants to explain and be heard when she tries to explain how much the simple pleasure of a proper straw experience can mean to her and that this isn’t weird or stupid.