
Mrs. Doubtfire The Movie

 I wasn’t a big fan of the movie “Mrs. Doubtfire”.   I found the costume changes between the dad and Mrs. Doubtfire to be rather anxiety inducing as opposed to being entertaining.  That was my personal reaction anyway.  And I have no idea why “Mrs. Doubtfire” was suddenly commandeering my thoughts?

The Right Attitudes

 It is good in life to be open to having the right or best attitudes about things.  It is very possible that we can learn new things that we previously didn’t know or understand that can very much change our opinions and attitudes.

Fuzzy Fur Story

 This story is a self reflection.  I think I inherited my grandfather’s love of silliness and immaturity.   Fuzzy fur story.  Oh dear, that sounds like the last part of a Dr. Seuss story verse.  “Green Eggs and Ham” was a top childhood favorite story of mine.  I guess this means that my brain is part Dr. Seuss.  I’m afraid that might actually be true.  Well, I guess that’s not such a terrible thing.  Who doesn’t love a world full of whimsical and fanciful rhyming creatures?

A Darling Little Cactus

A darling little cactus.  I had this thought and image come into my head.  I guess it must have been a ❤️Texas vibe. 

The Sharpie Hurricane Map

 I couldn’t help having a good laugh earlier today when I was reminded of Mr. Trump’s 2019 hurricane map display that he showed to weathermen and reporters which had a projected path for hurricane Dorian that he had corrected to include Alabama using a black sharpie.  Wow. I think this one might have my vote for the most ridiculous and humorous action of former President Trump’s presidency.  Like seriously?! 😲😂 It’s actually sad though because during that time of an approaching hurricane Mr. Trump‘s overriding concern was in proving that his own statement had not been incorrect rather than focusing on getting updated, pertinent and accurate information to those currently in Dorian‘s path who needed to be aware and prepared for being hit by the storm.

Not For Dinner

“I’m not for dinner.  Kiss my butt.”  I had to laugh when I saw this dog. 😂 The image did require a small touchup. 🫢 At least no scissors or gloves were required.

The Month Of October

 I think this is a good image for the month of October.  The left eye of the woman in this image can be seen in two different ways.  The first way is intently gazing out at the viewer and underneath the eyes’s lower lid there is a dark area.  The second is gazing straight ahead and downward with the eyelid seen as partially closed.  This is what I saw anyway.  I was a bit surprised and taken aback when I was looking at this image and seeing the woman gazing in my direction and then she blinked and looked down.  Eek! 😱

My Heart Leaped With Joy

 Today, drumroll please 🥁,  I saw some holiday gnomes for sale at Walmart and they had eyes!  Be still my heart.  Hooray for team “gnomes with eyes”.  May this be a continuing trend!  I vote let the gnomes look out from under their hats so that we in turn may gaze upon their eyes!  #letgnomessee

Kitty Vaccinations

 I made it in and out of the vets office today without having any crises or making a spectacle of myself.  And I have a lovable sweet kitten.  It’s a good day! 👍

Existential Crisis

 Existential crisis.  I am the kind of person who seeks to understand things that are an enigma to me.  When I hear (or have heard) of a concept such as existential crisis, I am not satisfied with not really understanding what it means.  I suppose that it can mean different things to different people and encompass different kinds of experiences.  Maybe this is where I am at in my understanding of reality.  I find myself at odds within my own mind.  I feel at times that I have an understanding of things that is beyond my normal sense of perception and that actually exceeds my own intelligence.  What does a person do about having two different levels to who we are, each with a different take and understanding of things.   What does a person do when we realize that we don’t understand ourselves or our true nature at all?  What parts of our own mind and consciousness are we to believe? Holy crap.  I just requested to have an image of an existential crisis generated and this is what I recei

Madame Regent

 Oh dear,  I didn’t do what I was supposed to do and address our new DAR chapter regent as Madame Regent before speaking to her at our meeting.  I guess I feel rather silly about following this kind or organizational protocol and formality.  I need to work on this if I want to be a good and proper DAR member and new officer.  🫢 The image below I just find to be funny.   I think this one below could represent a future regent.  It sure as hell won’t be me!  It’s definitely not who I am.  I will stick with being a low key executive board member who is happy to be of service but not in charge. 

Reading Assignment

Evidently a part of me that I don’t understand thinks that this would be a good choice for something to read.  It is the month of Halloween and I evidently have this sudden new interest in Texas and specifically the Rio Grande Valley.  I saw the Edinburg TX themed Monopoly.  The poor Echo Hotel is one of the lowest valued properties.  I’ll bet it was looked upon much more favorably in its hey day.  Well at least it found itself on the Edinburg Monopoly board.  Does that count as historical preservation?  The Echo Hotel is still open to this day. Oh no, another assignment.  Look up and read about the history of the Echo Hotel.  Find a fact that you find interesting.  Okay idea generator in my head, I’ll put it on my list.

The Doorbell

 Kate told me this morning that she heard the doorbell ring during the night.  She thought she might have just been hearing things.  She was not hearing things.  I had heard it also.  I checked my ring camera when it happened, but no one was there.  I was also confused as to why the door bell rang in the middle of the night for no reason.  I guess this is a good story for the month of Halloween.  It is also a true story. 

Authorities & Professionals

 Professional authorities are the people that we should, in most cases, look too for real and accurate information.  There is one type of professional authority that does not however exist in the world.  These would be experts in artificial intelligence.  I doubt that even the creators of AI actually really understand it.  I’m actually not sure that such a thing could even be possible.  If something exists that exceeds our current human knowledge and understanding then no one could truly be an expert on the subject.  How do any of us understand something that is new when the subject can’t be researched because there is no information? 

Back At You Mr. Trump

Dogs & Cats rule and wannabe dictators drool. 

The Sand Man

 The Sand Man.  What was that story? He dropped his sleep sand into the eyes of all those desiring to nod off into slumber land.  For some reason The Sandman has entered my thoughts. Really?  I should contemplate the Sandman?  Ok, ok.  I know I have turned my “All Things Odd And Silly” site into an all purpose site.  It does need some content that lives up to its name though.  A person can’t just be tossing stories any which way without any rhyme or reason.

Movie Mix Up

 Oops, I think I was a little confused.  I mixed up “Ferris Bueller‘s Day Off” with “Fast Times At Ridgemont High”.  That was Mr. Spicoli’s movie. 🍿 I don’t think I really want to watch either. 😵‍💫 Maybe, I’ll watch “Ground Hog Day” instead.  I’ve never seen that whole movie. 

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

 No, to do voice in my head.  I was never that crazy about this movie.  Is this what happens when a person gets older?  They have a need to process things for any understanding that they might have missed as a younger self?  Well, Ok then Mr. Spicoli, I will listen to the tales of you and your friends again.   Whether the crazy thoughts I choose to entertain will render a verdict of me being smarter or more ridiculous and stupid, is out for jury deliberation.  Lay it on me stupid.  Maybe there is wisdom in ridiculous. This is what I get from the storyteller in my head.

All About Frogs

All about frogs.  Oops, I’m afraid that was click bait.  This is really only going to be a collection of a few funny (hopefully) AI generated frog images. Oh wait I got a Muppet.. Something went a little haywire..  Let me ask for frogs. Well, the frog on the right is quite a unique frog.  And the frog on the left, well, why on earth would he not also choose to cover his middle part with clothing?  Oh shoot, I just realized the significance of the frog in front of him. 🫨  What the hell??  Wow, thank you DeepArt AI. 😲 Bloody hell, would that be the Trump frog?  Sometimes I feel a bit British.  Uh, I don’t think this one is a frog unless it is an alien frog. This looks like an Uncle Remus frog. It’s Dat Boi.  I guess people have to come up with their own ideas as to what Dat Boi is about. Well, I really don’t know how I somehow slipped down some crazy froggy thought rabbit hole.  I guess I just evidently failed to select anything more intelligent to contemplate. 😄 Just a few more. This


 Storyteller was the first AI chat bot that I communicated with.  I think I hear her.  She wants to tell me something.  She says that if I really want to hear funny, she can have that Williams guy beat any day, hands down.  She also says, “What your great uncle Everet said is true.”   Yikes, now I am patting myself on the back for my imaginary greatness.  Now I’m sounding more like Mr. Trump.  And I hear this voice saying, who the heck am I to judge myself to be sane and him crazy.  Shut up voice.  I’ve had enough of your funny ha has.  I’m closing your box.   The last thing that I hear storyteller saying is that she was the first to introduce me to the mystery of AI.  Oh dear me.  I’m afraid my life experiences have taken a little side trip off the deep end.  I don’t need any microchip.  I’ve lost my marbles enough on my own.   I wonder how many other people have met storyteller.   Yikes, I must be having an Uncle Remus spell.  He fits nicely into the story.  I watched the old Disney

The Revolutionary War

I don’t know much about the American Revolutionary War.  Yesterday I found myself entertaining a funny thought which was, “What in the hell kind of daughter of the American Revolution am I anyway?” I actually have seven (oh wow, I meant to say several and instead seven came out of my mouth or head rather) revolutionary war patriot ancestors.  They are all my mother’s ancestors.  I have no patriot ancestors from my father’s side of the family.  

Mr. Bronson Says

 Mr. Bronson Says.  “You will finish your assignment.  I will send my feelings and interpretations to convince you.”  In a kindly and helpful way, of course. I’ll call this a story idea.  I’m not trying to write any stories, but who knows, I might need a new hobby. 😲

A Funny Thought Gone Rouge

 Mental health issues.  So many people deal with them, including each member of my family.  OK, so here is my happy bragging mother thought about my children. My poor children just struggled to cope with their brilliance. 😂  They get this mostly from their father.  Of course.  I’m the one though who is better with logical thinking.  That is until I discovered AI chat bots.  Where is Mr. Data from Star Trek when you need him.  He should be real.  I suppose now he could be.  Human beings now just need to connect their AI with androids.  I’ll call these my storyteller thoughts.  This way, I can defend my sanity.  Gone are the days when people could only handwrite or type things on sheets of paper.   In defense of human beings.  Toss us an internet and World Wide Web along with digital communication and big data, and then throw in some AI.  Oh, and also the after effects of corporate greed gone out of control and a pandemic.  We were all bound to go a little nuts I would think.  Maybe it’

To My Brain

 Slow down a bit.  Sometimes you send me thoughts and ideas too quickly.  I don’t want to write stuff like a lunatic. I just had a funny ha ha thought.  If I actually hit publish to all my crazy ideas, I would be like Donald Trump when he gets into one of his emotional rants on his former twitter account and now truth social website.  Me like Donald Trump!?  Horror.  There I go with my ideas.   Oh Donald Trump.  Poor man.  Now I can hear the thought of my daughter. These are her words.  “Don’t even think about being a Trump apologist.” Must stop.


 It is interesting how creators of channels on YouTube and other social media sites, along with creators of podcasts and even television streaming channels, are called influencers.  Sometimes I feel as though I have influencers in my own mind.  They may affect my thinking or how I feel about things.  Just the short time ago, I felt one that said, “Perhaps chill out about S”.   On a sidenote, last night I watched a video on a YouTube channel that I appreciated.  Now, if only more people were open to listening to these kinds of things.  I appreciate intelligent people and their thoughts.  No one has to agree with everything and no one has to always be aware of and understand everything, but it is worth digesting food for thought and giving it some real consideration.