President Biden/Just A Thought Tonight

 I wonder if President Biden is still mentally cognizant enough to actually responsibly execute the office of the presidency.  Does the wording of that sentence even make sense or sound correct?

This question was just in my mind and that was the wording that my brain came up with.  Oh yes, the latter part of that sentence sounds like the presidential oath of office.  I am the worst with history and politics.  I need to work on having better knowledge and understanding of both.  I guess I shouldn’t feel too bad.  I was talking to one of my fellow DAR members who is a supporter of Republicans and Donald Trump and she was confused and confessed that she could never remember if Republicans and Donald Trump were the left or the right. 😲 Truth be told, I have to admit that there are Trump supporters who are good and nice people.  They are evidently just very much unaware and blind to all the terrible truths and realities about him. 


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