Barnes & Noble

 Barnes & Noble.  That place has its hold on me.  I ended up deciding to make a trip there the other night.  I really need to spend some time with my bookcases in my garage.  If I just sit and spend some quality time in my folding chair, I will realize that I am already in possession of and surrounded by an abundance of reading material. (And much thanks to the Rio Grande Valley Texas thrift stores for their huge contribution to my own personal library. 😱  And also a local library and all the used books that it sells at real bargain prices.)  At the same time, I would also argue that visits to Barnes&Noble are also good for the soul.  

I never really stopped to process the idea before, but in having my life transplanted to the lower Texas Rio Grande Valley, I think I found my way the best book place.  Super amazing deals on 2nd hand books and Barnes & Noble nearby also.  

This is all clearly part of a New Year’s resolution which is to spend a lot more time reading all of my books and magazines.   To do this, I have to develop the habit of picking up my printed reading materials instead of picking up my phone and spending much time looking at and reading stuff online.  Good luck to me!  Especially since reading printed books and magazines makes me have lots of thoughts and ideas about things that I feel that I need to go look up online.  Even words will compel me to want to go look at their dictionary definitions, which I of course view online.  I’m doomed with the Internet.  Somehow, I need to give my printed books and magazines, the lions share, or maybe I should say Tiger’s share of my attention.  


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