Dogs & Snacks & Fatfats

 How is it that dogs always decide that I am a person to look at with anticipation of being given snacks.  I swear this happens to me, even if I have never done anything to lead a dog to believe that I am a snack giver.  OK, I might have given Fatfats, a couple little pieces of french fries and maybe a couple bites of some lunch meat.  I have to give him something when I feed my cats and he is expecting that it is time for him to be fed food also.  That’s hardly enough though to make a dog think that anytime should be snack time.  But then I fed him his dinner when his parents were not home.  And I evidently gave him more of his special wet food than he normally gets.  He gobbled it all up.  And now it’s official.  I am the snack lady grandma who he thinks is likely to be the biggest pushover. 

Mr. Fatfats is my son and girlfriend’s dog.  He is actually her dog of 11 years.  His name is Fatfats. 🤔

It’s just his name.  He isn’t really fat.  My Daughter recently said, “What the hell kind of name is Fatfats?!”  She is so much like her father.

Poor Fatfats.  If he could talk, he might say that we should think that his name is just a perfectly fine name.  And he is right.  It is a person or animal who gives the character and essence to his or her name.  An owner makes a name his or her own.  A name describes its owner.  It doesn’t carry an attachment to anyone else’s preconceived notions of its suitability, meaning or essence. 

I do respect (or should remember to respect) names and their owners even if do find humor in the thoughts of my family members.

Blah blah blah.  I was off in thought land but it’s where I like to be.


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