America 2025 & My Best Self

 America 2025.  In the year of 2025 America shall become a land of opportunity for immigrants with $5 million dollars.  Wow.  Maybe there is something wrong with me for feeling a need to keep harping on these things.  The American people have spoken though so I’m afraid these things will be in my reflections for the next three years and 10+ months.  And here is another lovely thought that no news stories cover at all.  What is happening to all the people in the world who were dependent on the USAID programs for the basics of food and medicine?  Why do our presidents have no thought or concern about these things?  I am by no means a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but these thoughts do come into my mind and they are among the thoughts that I feel I want to put into writing.  It’s kind of like these thoughts are a message to myself that if I want to follow a spiritual path of morality and being my best self, these are the kind of things that I should never not care about or not pay attention to.  And I do want to follow a path of morality and be my best self. 


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