I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day

I found myself thinking tonight about the phrase “Good Will Hunting”.  It is not only the name of a Robin Williams & Matt Damon film but it could also literally mean hunting for good will.  It hit me that good will toward our fellow human beings is a spirit that is very much needed in our country and world at this time.  It’s the kind of spirit that we think of at Christmas time.  Ya know, “Peace on Earth Good Will To Men”.  It’s also a Christmas carol lyric.  How sweet is that! 🎄 🔔 I love Christmas! I just looked up the lyric and found that it belongs to the Christmas carol “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day”.  I think this is officially my new favorite Christmas carol. (Actually though someone needs to record a version that is a little more fast paced and upbeat.) 

Well what do you know, there is one. 😄

I also just found the AI information about the phrase “Peace On Earth Good Will To Men”.

I guess I woke up because I still had stories in my head to listen to.  Sign me up for being nuts.  🥜 I like listening to stories 📖 in my head.



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