When I Punctured Stretch Armstrong

 The time I used a pen and punctured my brother’s Stretch Armstrong. 🫢 That is the lovely thought that just broadcast itself into my head.  My brother had done something that I was really angry about and I felt he was deserving of some reciprocal treatment.  Well I only succeeded in really regretting my choice.  And if I wanted to not get caught (which I did), I was really stupid.  I left stretch Armstrong with a glob of Elmer’s glue and a Band-Aid.  That wouldn’t be a giveaway or anything.  I have Walter Mitty to thank for reminding me of Stetch Armstrong.  The movie was an AI’s recommendation.  I would never in my wildest dreams have imagined in the 1970s what life could transform itself into. 😲  A time when there is artificial intelligence that gives you data that connects with stories from your childhood.  


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