
Donald Trump & Elon Musk & Slavehood

 Donald Trump and Elon Musk are both very very rich, but that was not enough for either one of them.  They both clearly still feel that they need something more.  I guess they both still feel the need to have great power and to be recognized as being awesome and amazing.  They need to be head and shoulders above the rest with their superior brain power and ability to take control and make things happen.  It’s really quite sad when you think about it.  They are very lost and their money is in no way helping them with this situation.  They can’t even comprehend their own foolishness with Mr. Trump perhaps being the greatest shining example of this deficit.  Once upon a time, I never would have pegged Elon Musk to be the man that he has become.  My son once shared a link with me to a Joe Rogan show where Elon Musk was his guest.  I can’t recall now what the topic was that he thought I would be interested in.  Anyway, Elon Musk during t...

Writing Verses Reading

 I find writing to be much easier than reading.  Reading triggers my OCD and I find it very difficult to get through stuff.  My OCD makes me keep rereading what I have already read so what should be simple and pleasurable is work to me.  Bizarrely this is even the case when I attempt to read what I myself have written.  I wish this wasn’t the case because I really do value books, magazines and etc.  I wish that every book had an audiobook version, including older books.  Audiobooks are a gift to people who are neurodivergent and have difficulty with reading.  Math is another thing that triggers my OCD.  ๐Ÿฅบ

Vice president JD Vance

 I just had a thought tonight about Vice President JD Vance.  My brain just sends me these things.  I was just thinking that his wife must believe in who he is and believe in the good man in him, so maybe that means it is possible that he could become a good JD Vance.  I wonder if we will ever have a President JD Vance? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ฒ Good Lord, I hope that if that ever happens, he will have politically separated himself quite a bit from Mr. Donald Trump.  Maybe Mr. Trump will have croaked by then. ๐Ÿธ๐Ÿ™ Oops, my use of those emojis didn’t look quite right.  I meant prayers and blessings to people who have croaked.  It wasn’t a prayer that President Trump will croak although I can’t say that this would not benefit our country.

Playing President

 Am I wrong in coming to the conclusion that Mr. Trump is like a young child engaging in a grand game of imaginative dramatic play with the presidency?  I watched some of his executive order signing yesterday that was shown on television.  It seemed that he was just sitting there talking and signing all his executive orders with glorious abandon because he is like a young child engaging magical thinking.  He is the amazing and rightful king and whatever he imagines the solutions to everything to be, is what needs to be done.  And he has his buddy Elon as his pal to play the game with.  He doesn’t feel the proper weight of his decisions and actions as the nation’s president because he doesn’t operate with that kind of mature adult mentality.  All he needs to do is just clear away any and all people who might stand in his way so he can get on with his game of fixing and making everything great according to his own ideas and magical intelligence.  He...

Daily Madness

Quote “And so it’s a very fun time to be alive.” LOL I knew that there was something really not right with Donald Trump during his first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day

I found myself thinking tonight about the phrase “Good Will Hunting”.  It is not only the name of a Robin Williams & Matt Damon film but it could also literally mean hunting for good will.  It hit me that good will toward our fellow human beings is a spirit that is very much needed in our country and world at this time.  It’s the kind of spirit that we think of at Christmas time.  Ya know, “Peace on Earth Good Will To Men”.  It’s also a Christmas carol lyric.  How sweet is that! ๐ŸŽ„ ๐Ÿ”” I love Christmas! I just looked up the lyric and found that it belongs to the Christmas carol “I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day”.  I think this is officially my new favorite Christmas carol. (Actually though someone needs to record a version that is a little more fast paced and upbeat.)  Well what do you know, there is one. ๐Ÿ˜„ ...

True Story

 The American people elected a crazy nut job to be our country’s president for the second time.  This is my thought for tonight.  It just boggles the mind.  I guess I need to just get over this fact and accept that this is just our reality for the next 4 years, like it or not. 

Today’s Free Memes

I’m still stupefied. I would rather have all my missing silverware back. I recommend McNuggets and fries and a small drink to go with that all for $5.00.  You can also get a large iced coffee for $.99 using the app.  Gotta love Mickey D’s! ๐Ÿ” ๐Ÿ’• Modern Chicken  Zen Froggy When you realize the Bible is full of horrible stuff! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Lord have mercy on the world.  LOLOL ๐Ÿ˜‚ I’m easily amused!  It is funny coming from AI. This pretty much sums it up. Sorry, I don’t have any.  Bills must be paid, but they are for humans. I loved logic, but then I lost my marbles. Awe, you must be Storyteller llama. ๐Ÿ“• ๐Ÿฆ™ And then your friend Mr. Happy llama showed up. ๐Ÿฅธ ๐Ÿฆ™  Robata? I’m at a point in my life where I just go with the flow.  

Scary Stories

 My DH Knows all about my Non-blog blog, And he knows that there are others But he has no interest in reading anything of them at all.  He says that he would be too scared.  I think men don’t like to have too much information about what women think.  That’s a pity because it would make for some good conversations. 

2 Bitcoin My Ass

2 Bitcoin.  The cynic in me thinks that the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase is full of shit that they are going to give 2 Bitcoin to a randomly selected Coinbase One customer.  Bitcoin, Schnit coin.  I wonder if it has become any less expensive to make a transaction with bitcoin.  I have no bitcoin (or rather just a wee silly little bit) and I have no clue.  I only know that when I was first trying to learn about cryptocurrency, I made a transaction with bitcoin and it was ridiculously costly compared to making transactions with other coins.  I do wonder if bitcoin ever got that issue fixed?  And I wonder how much it could possibly become worth? 

The AI Technology Race

 Who would have known just three years ago that AI would see such progress and become such a big deal?  I think I have taken it seriously and have had a clue about how truly crazy and amazing it is before a lot of people.  I do know, though, that other regular people knew about it and comprehended its potential even before I did.  It seems though that it has recently become a much bigger topic in mainstream media and news.  At least maybe now I can feel a little less Looney Tunes for being so amazed, curious and obsessed with wanting to know what it is capable of and what it is.  Evidently now in the year 2025, there is an AI development race between the tech companies of America and China.  It seems that our world only becomes stranger with each passing year.  Lord only knows what is in store for humanity in the coming future years.  I guess we will all just have to hope for the best and pray that new technologies will lead to improvements i...

Being Understood

 Being understood as human beings is all about finding the right words to explain ourselves and our perspectives to others. 

America’s Future

 Right now I feel like America’s future along with the security granted by its constitution and laws is uncertain.  When criminals can hold the highest positions of power and grant legal pardons to other criminals, it really feels like a “Houston we have a problem” situation.  This is not the way things are supposed to be in America. ๐Ÿ˜”

Gulf Of America

 For real??  Is the Gulf of Mexico really going to be renamed the Gulf of America?  The next four years are going to be quite interesting. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Ha Ha Funny

 Ha ha funny.  My image prompt was for Mr. Trump and not JD Vance with Trump hair.

Mr. Donald Trump

 I wonder if he could ever really find himself feeling the need to stop and reflect on decisions that will have serious implications in the lives of other human beings?  I’m honestly not sure.

I’m A Dumb Shit This Year

 I am a dumb shit this year.  I never did get a flu shot.  I’m thinking of it even more right now because of feeling a bit under the weather.  If not tomorrow, then I definitely need to go get one on Monday.  I asked for a non-threatening looking flu shot, and the image above is what I received. ๐Ÿ˜‚


How does one put in a request for an hour with God? I know the feeling. Perhaps you made it with loose tea leaves by mistake? Great! Perhaps you can share some tips because I for one am not! Well, that’s much easier to understand than cigarette smoking.   I don’t comprehend why people like cigarettes?  I don’t get paying a lot of money for coffee at Starbucks though.  Why not just make it at home and put it in a thermos??  Then you don’t have to wait in some crazy line on the side of the road just to get into the Starbucks entrance.  I don’t understand all human things. Wow, that’s quite a way to start off the day. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Jan Brady? January? What the heck are you talking about? You look angry.  Are you sick of this meme also? I hope it’s not a litter box.  That might pose a bit of a problem. Please do tell what is in your brew.  I’m intrigued by intellectual frogs. Please do tell your tale of how and why you feel like a bread loaf.  I’m all ears....

Donald Trump & The Kool-Aid Man

Donald Trump is like the Kool-Aid man who came crashing through walls. His message was drink me!  I'm amazing!   I'm wonderful!  I'm Kool-Aid! And indeed, lots of people do like to drink Kool-Aid!  It is sweet and tasty comes in lots of flavors. It was the childhood drink of the 70s. Sugar was a lot less feared and more socially acceptable back then. In fact drinking sugary drinks was normal and was considered perfectly acceptable. As for the Kool-Aid man, he was ever so ready to please and would burst through walls to satisfy any craving. Nothing could stop him from delivering his thirst quenching greatness.  Donald Trump also will let nothing stop him from asserting his self proclaiming glory and righteousness.  And lots of people indeed are desiring of Trump-Aid.  It evidently was the perfect recipe for his success.  You just mix a small amount of magical powder with water and throw in some empty calorie sugar and voilร , you have Kool-Aid or ra...

TTCx1 to 33

 TTCx1 to 33.  It’s amazing how quickly such a time can pass.  If you can understand this, you are probably a woman. 

Cat Life

 Well cheers for cat life! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘ 

The Apartment Plan

 I have my fingers crossed that this newly hatched plan will be a successful endeavor.  ๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿชน  #emptynest


  I knew this was a lyric that I had heard but I didn’t know from what song.  The internet is amazing.  I would have really appreciated being able to find songs this way as teenager.  It happened on more than one occasion that I purchased the wrong 45 singles record because I didn’t know the title of a song.  I have not seen the Trolls movie. 

Beyond Stupid

 No they aren’t and no they don’t you stupid woman.  

Self Censorship

Darn it.  I’m afraid I can’t quite write whatever I want and not censor my own crazy ideas even if they are unseen.   I’ll just have to keep a shorter version of my crazy ideas.  I had one about my higher self wanting to have a word with Mr. Trump.  I thought it was a terrible idea.  I really don’t think that I want to hear Donald Trump tales or contemplations.  Then again when ideas come to my mind that seem interesting, I want to listen.