North Pole Smoking Controversy

I found myself recalling that the Santa Claus of years gone by smoked a pipe. It was even described in the book, Twas The Night Before Christmas. “The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth. And the smoke it encircled his head like wreath.” It’s amazing how times can change. Nowadays, a smoking Santa would never be part of a children’s book. I don’t know if any other human beings in history have ever had the experience of seeing the world change so much, and in so many ways, over a few decades of their lives. I doubt it. What a pivotal time in human history have those of us living now found ourselves born into. So what is a poor Santa Claus to do without a pipe? I don’t know. Maybe replace it with a candy cane. #candyisdandy Okay, I was wrong. I guess for the sake of tradition and a traditional story, Santa is still sometimes shown with a pipe, at least in this Dollar Tree version of “Twas The Night...