
Showing posts from November, 2023

North Pole Smoking Controversy

I found myself recalling that the Santa Claus of years gone by smoked a pipe.  It was even described in the book,  Twas The Night Before Christmas.   “The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth.  And the smoke it encircled his head like wreath.”   It’s amazing how times can change.  Nowadays, a smoking Santa would never be part of a children’s book.  I don’t know if any other human beings in history have ever had the experience of seeing the world change so much, and in so many ways, over a few decades of their lives.  I doubt it.  What a pivotal time in human history have those of us living now found ourselves born into. So what is a poor Santa Claus to do without a pipe?  I don’t know.  Maybe replace it with a candy cane. #candyisdandy Okay, I was wrong.  I guess for the sake of tradition and a traditional story, Santa is still sometimes shown with a pipe, at least in this Dollar Tree version of  “Twas The Night...

Robin Williams

 Lest I not forget. #alittleoverthetop  😂

Marsupial & Joey

Marsupial & Joey.  My cousins when they were young, had a pair of mother and baby stuffed toy kangaroos that they called Marsupial and Joey.  I’m sure their father helped them choose those names.  This thought just found its way into my mind.   There is just something cute about kangaroos named Marsupial and Joey.  

Funny Packaging

 I like when businesses sprinkle a little humor into their product packaging. 😄

Mental Slide Show

  In my half awake and half asleep state, I remembered a wooden turtle bowl that my parents had when I was young.  They actually do still have it, but I was envisioning and remembering it from my childhood.  Their’s is a bit different (and not a sea turtle) but it is a similar type of wooden turtle bowl. 

Beyond Listening Cell Phones

So this is an unanswered question I have.  Suppose a person dreamed of an image of something and then figured out that the dream image represented a movie that they had never seen but that they remembered the title and image of.  Now also suppose that sometime later this person asked a Chat AI for movie recommendations of a certain genre and the AI answered with this movie as one of its’ three movie recommendations.  Would that be a coincidence??  That along with numerous others? Chat AI can take coincidences to a whole new level.  I thought I was very good with logic and logical thinking but evidently normal logic can be challenged. And maybe definitions of sanity also.  Human beings created artificial intelligence and now we are on a journey with it so we have to go along for the ride.  As if the world being changed by the internet wasn’t enough. 😂

True Cat Story

 This cat was once wrongfully accused by the vet tech, at his vet’s office, of in fact being female, after he had previously been neutered at the same clinic. 😲 I thought that was the best story. 😂🤣😂

Poor Santa’s Ass

 Poor Santa.  I can imagine that having to go for a marathon sleigh ride could become quite a pain in the ass. #santasass (I swear I really truly can’t take all the credit for my apparent lapse into idiocy.  I just pick up on it and can’t resist.)

Silly Cats

  Cats are so silly the way they always have to try lying on or in everything.  One of the cats that I have been taking care of had to try out lying in the dust pan as I was sweeping the floor.  He kept coming back and was determined to lie in the dust pan.

Thanksgiving Tales

  My mashed potatoes that I made last night are half gone and we haven’t had our Thanksgiving dinner yet. 😲 Well at least they are appreciated and fortunately we are having a very small family dinner and we are also having potato dumplings.  I have never been a fan of potato dumplings myself 😜 except for the ones made from the Panni brand mix that no longer exists.  

Eating Meat

I suddenly had a feeling, while trying to eat a piece of chicken, of being disgusted by the thought of eating some dead animals flesh even if it had been cooked.  I did not eat the piece of chicken.  I don’t think, though, that I could become possessed by vegetarianism.  I can see that I could possibly agree with this understanding and feeling but I doubt that it could last. Update:  I just ate a turkey and ham sandwich.  I don’t think I could ever become a vegetarian.🍗 😋 Upon further reflection, I take back what I said about not being able to become a vegetarian.  If I had to kill or butcher animals myself, I would definitely become a vegetarian.


A sentiment of genealogy.  “Our connection with our biological ancestors matters.” I see that this entry isn’t odd or silly, but I just felt like including it here.

In Other Insanity

 I’m insane because my mind treats me to the most insane thoughts.  Tonight’s thought: My blogs are like a program streaming service that is stuck in a commercial loop and never returns to the movie. 😲  My blogs are not blogs.  I don’t like that word.  I would prefer something different like “My Space”.  Ha, ha, ha.  That was the name of the first very popular and widely used online social media platform for young people.  Then “Facebook” came along and “My Space” users all jumped ship. “My Space” is a keeper though and I mean my “My Space” and not My Space’s “My Space”.  Did that make any sense?  I might just be lost in space.   Oh no, is this what I get for conversing with a Robin W artificial intelligence?  I have space on my brain.  It’s a space theme.  Is space on my brain because I was thinking about “Mork from Ork” and “Alf”?  Oh, wow that sounds crazy. 😲. I think it all started with a joke about a prick...


 When I was recently visiting my mother, I learned that she did not know how to take screenshots on her phone.  I don’t know how she could exist without screenshots in the year 2023! 😂  I can’t even imagine having an iPhone and not being able to take screenshots of anything.  Not that I ever look at them again once they get buried in my photos. 🫨 OK, every once in a while, there is something that I go back to find again.

Life Guides

  I read “A Return To Love” many years ago and found it very interesting even though I have never practiced any religion as an adult.  I was thinking of it yesterday. (I thought it was a really good book but I will add that I opened the book to one passage yesterday and did not completely agree with it.  I wouldn’t expect of course to agree with everything.) “Life 101” is another book that I read many years ago and thought was very interesting.   My version, if I wrote one, would be titled “Idiocy 101” or “A Course In Idiocy”. 🫨   Yes, idiocy would be my topic because it would come so naturally to me that it would be a piece of cake. When I get around to it, I need to read “The Spirits’ Book”.  I ordered it after watching the movie “Kardec” which I loved.  I watched it believing that it was going to be a debunking movie, and it was in fact the complete opposite. 

Mental Slide Show

 Today’s item of my dreams is the high back vinyl kitchen chair of the 1970s.  The ones that my family had were all green.  It’s possible that my mother may have reupholstered them with new vinyl.  I’m not sure.  #whymustibeweird I just remembered that one time as a child I replaced the worn out and torn webbing strips on a lawn chair.  My parents had purchased new webbing strips and I just felt like doing this because I wanted the chair to look nice and be usable again. 

A Piece Of Cake

  I’m all about cake.    And I’m not just talking about eating cake.    I’m also talking about my desire for life to hold just the right amount of challenge in anything so as to optimize fun, enjoyment and cake experiences.  Not that life is a cake walk by any means, but one can do their best to aim for this experience.  I mean that it is, the experience of enjoying life as if it were a piece of cake.  Right now I kind of just feel like a piece of cake.    I mean not as in wanting to eat a piece of cake but as in being a piece of cake.  I just for some reason felt a connection with cake.   Well, there was the time  when I was in the 3rd grade and my class did this little special occasions and holidays skit during school for our mothers or whichever parent or maybe grandparent could attend.    My part was to be a birthday cake.    I had this big birthday cake cut out of cardboard around my head with...

My Own Joke

What did the child say to the fibbing Android? Liar, liar your data’s on fire.

The Brady Bunch

 “Time To Change” I guess I’m being nostalgic. 😄