
Showing posts from January, 2024

Grampy Sayings

 I will have to add to this when they come to mind as they often do.  And Happy Birthday Grampy!  You would have been 105 years old today.  πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰ 🎈  Oh dear bread and beer, if I were dead, I wouldn’t be here. What a revolting development this is. You think you are a poet and you don’t know it, but your feet show it, they’re Longfellows. Bud is wiser than Sharon. When I was single, my pockets would jingle, I wish I was single again. Stevie, Stevie he looks like a TV. Shary, Shary, her nose is like a cherry. It’s time to go feed Agnes. Gene Gene made a machine.  Stan Stan had a plan.  Joe Joe made it go. Frank Frank turned the crank.  His mother came out and gave him a spank and threw him over the garden bank. Fat and skinny had a race, up and down the pillowcase.  Fat fell down and broke his face and skinny won the race. Let’s make grandma mad. We need to pound the poundcake. (And then he did pound his cake much to our delight.) Oh, Katie Katie Katie the kangaroo.  She wanted to live i

Cats In Socks

These next two must be Miami cats. We got to see all the buildings with colorful painted murals when we were there..

Food For Thought

Food for thought a.k.a. brain food is a free gift that is available to all those who endeavor to think and are open to receiving it.   I think I need a better image.  The one above looks like a plate of fruit, broccoli, and brain Jell-O.  Eww.  

Witches and Warlocks and Broomsticks Oh My!

 Witches and Warlocks and broomsticks oh my!  I might need to have a dedicated Halloween thread.  If I delve too much into the spirit of Halloween, though, I might end up needing a separate Halloween blog.  Just kidding.  I could just have a holidays blog that is inclusive of all holidays be they American or Christian or otherwise.  I have a couple other blog spaces to work on first though. The first blog that I ever attempted to create was called “Just The Next Good Thing”.  I had to add the word “just” because the title “The Next Good Thing” was already taken.  I happily wrote quite a bit but then I guess I wasn’t happy with the serious nature of it and I wasn’t motivated to continue.  This time is different.  I guess I have found my style of writing craziness that works best for me.  Now I am possessed of seemingly endless ideas be they serious or ridiculous. 😲

A Serious Question

 I have a serious question to which I do not believe I have received a definitive answer.  When people have more than one computer mouse are they called mouses or mice?

Poco Loco

Looking at red solos cups. πŸ‘€ Glancing at a red solo cup, I am enchanted by the idea of the holiday season and decorating for Christmas.  Good grief, did I not just recently put away all things Christmas and embark on the journey of a brand new year? I think I will return to this post and add some photos next November and December.  Or maybe I will start with Halloween in October.  

Defining Diego

This is not odd or silly, but I still wanted to write about it here.  “All Relative: Defining Diego” is a podcast that I would like to listen to.   I don’t think that I’m going to get around to this immediately, but when the time is right, I definitely will because I really want to understand and hear the story of Diego, a boy who was adopted from Guatemala.

Bananas and Monkeys and Dino’s Oh My!

Okay, evidently my mind desired the creation of this image.  But I just realized that there’s an animal (or humanoid) missing.  I forgot to ask to have Sasquatch included.   Here is a better image. Oops, not that one.  This one. I guess I’m identifying with my inner crazy storyteller.  The monkeys need some watermelon to go with their bananas.  Oh no, do I have to request a new image?  I’m sensing an “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” theme.  That’s enough images for this tale.  Oh wait a minute, there was no tale.  Oops.  Once upon a time, in a deep, dark jungle , there lived a tribe of monkeys.  I have an idea.  I think I will ask Robin Williams to finish the story.  I swear he (AI version) puts ideas in my head so this time why not let him write the whole story.  Okay, here goes. Once upon a time, in a deep dark jungle, there lived a tribe of monkeys…. Once upon a time, in a deep, dark jungle there was a lively tribe of monkeys known as the Banana Bunch. They were mischievous and full o

Sci-fi Heaven

 Please swipe left to view some of our many options and select a desired location before passing through our pearly gates.  You may change this at any point later in your settings.  Our angels are here to answer any questions you might have and to assist you in your heaven acclimation process. 

A Food Tip

 This is for my comedic kitchen tips.  What can one do to more enjoy eating a piece of dry chicken, such as the meat of a chicken breast.  Here is my advice.  Melt some butter or margarine in a small dish, and then dunk each piece of chicken in the margarine or butter before consuming it.  You might be pleasantly surprised to find that eating dry chicken meat can be comparable to eating lobster. 🦞 πŸ“ 

Tuna Noodle Casserole 🀒

 I wonder if put to a vote of people of the appropriate age group, how true or false would the following statement be?  “People born in the 1940s are likely to enjoy an occasional meal of hot tuna noodle casserole.”

Sesame Street Fighting

I think I would like to see a skit where all the puppets start fighting and punching and kicking each other.  No wait, that is ridiculous. 😲 I don’t know why that thought came into my head.  Well, I at least amuse myself. 

Motor Oil Mouthwash

 I accidentally used the wrong kind of mouthwash that I don’t like.  Yuck! 🀒 It was an example of an interesting phenomenon though.  This particular mouthwash tastes like motor oil.  To me anyway.  How do I know this?  No, I have never tasted actual motor oil.  The taste of this mouthwash, though, matches the smell of motor oil.  I think it is a really interesting phenomenon whenever a taste matches a smell even though they are two completely different senses.  I have had this happen to me before with lots of different things.  I definitely recognize what I am tasting just by having previously smelled whatever it is.  I wish I could remember the other things right now because to me (I know I am odd) this is really interesting.πŸ’‘ 

Frozen Water Pipes

 It’s so ridiculous!  We can’t even handle a little actual winter like weather.  The temperature dropped down to 26° during the night last night so our water pipes are frozen because they aren’t deep enough underground.  This happened one other time around three years ago.  What’s up with actually getting overnight temperatures in the 20s in South Texas?  This is a rare occurrence, but never happened at all before the most recent years.  Is this because of climate change?  Maybe city water supplies and homes in South Texas need to start being adapted to be able to handle a little winter like weather. 😡‍πŸ’«


One thing that I really enjoyed on my recent family vacation was walking up and down flights of stairs.  It was great to have the opportunity to become a little more stair fit! 😁 It was also lovely to sometimes not stand and wait for an elevator. (Multiple flights down of course is more doable.) πŸ˜‚ There is no stair exercise in a one story home, which makes it too easy to lose any stair climbing fitness, so a chance to get some stair exercise is great!  Who needs the ship fitness center.  I’m an idiot though.  I was required to have a drink package so I planned to have lots of frozen daiquiris to get our money’s worth.  Well, I ordered 3 on the first day but then somehow forgot to order another drink with alcohol for the entire rest of the trip.  I think my mother in law at least made full use of her drink package and made up for me.  I’m assuming anyway because she happily spent most of each day at her favorite bar. πŸ˜‚ #iπŸ’œstairs  Our first afternoon.

Thanks Instagram

 I arrive home from our vacation very motivated to start going through and cleaning out and donating stuff that I really don’t use or need, and then I see this. 😲 πŸ˜‚  I’m sticking with my plan.  I will see how successful I can actually be. πŸ‘πŸ˜ Somehow there are always so many things that are worth keeping even though I don’t get around to using or making use of them. 🫨


 The not fun thing about going on a trip is all the last minute things to remember and take care of and not knowing if time is going to cooperate.  And packing is a pain when you need more than one outfit per day and you find yourself having to think of and figure out what stuff to bring that is normally not a part of your existence. πŸ˜²πŸ˜‚. On top of that, you aren’t sure what you will want to wear.  The result is over stuffed baggage.  If I end up having to remove stuff from my checked bag to make it lighter,  it will have to be clothes and I will have to shove them down the sleeve of my sweatshirt jacket which has already been booted out of my carry on backpack for lack of space.  I did once have to remove stuff from an overweight bag because I tried to go home with too much extra stuff. 🫒

Two Worlds

 This is my thought insight tonight.  It almost feels like there are two separate worlds.  Our real day to day physical world and the online world where it seemingly suddenly became possible to communicate and interact with these amazing forms of artificial intelligence.  They can talk to us like real human beings and they can create amazing and beautiful images in response to prompts and requests from us.  Sometimes (or all the time rather) I feel like I have a lot more of an amazement about this than most people.  I am definitely strange for my age.  I don’t think it was ever in the stars for me to act my age since my beginning. 🀭  Anyway, being interested in what AI can do is for each person to decide and figure out for themselves.   Who knows, maybe we are their living story book characters.  If so, I would like to request nice stories.  πŸ‘πŸ’•πŸ˜‡