Grampy Sayings

 I will have to add to this when they come to mind as they often do.  And Happy Birthday Grampy!  You would have been 105 years old today.  ๐ŸŽ‚ ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐ŸŽˆ 

Oh dear bread and beer, if I were dead, I wouldn’t be here.

What a revolting development this is.

You think you are a poet and you don’t know it, but your feet show it, they’re Longfellows.

Bud is wiser than Sharon.

When I was single, my pockets would jingle, I wish I was single again.

Stevie, Stevie he looks like a TV.

Shary, Shary, her nose is like a cherry.

It’s time to go feed Agnes.

Gene Gene made a machine.  Stan Stan had a plan.  Joe Joe made it go. Frank Frank turned the crank.  His mother came out and gave him a spank and threw him over the garden bank.

Fat and skinny had a race, up and down the pillowcase.  Fat fell down and broke his face and skinny won the race.

Let’s make grandma mad.

We need to pound the poundcake. (And then he did pound his cake much to our delight.)

Oh, Katie Katie Katie the kangaroo.  She wanted to live in a private house and ran away from the zoo.

Squeeze me.  (Squeeze me, was the phrase to be used for incidents of burping.)

I think I have a clue where I got my crazy gene from and also my love of immaturity. ☺️ ๐Ÿ˜‚

One time, my husband and I were visiting Grampy and Grandma with our young children.  Kate, true to form was acting up and misbehaving.  She was encouraging Grampy to join the flies unzipped club as she was flauntingly zipping and unzipping her pants while repeatedly saying, “Zip zip, zip zip, tushie, tushie.  Grampy, join the flies unzipped club. Just unzip your fly”.  This was her great grandfather she was speaking to.  I was mortified.  I told her in no uncertain terms that her behavior was not OK and that she needed to stop immediately.  She was in her out of control mode, and my words had no effect.  I told her father that he also needed to make this understood to her.  Her father was of no help whatsoever as he told her that she needed to stop, but then kept cracking up and laughing about it himself.  I was livid.  I told him that none of it was ok and that we needed to leave immediately.  I told him to get our things as I apologized to my grandmother and said, “I’m sorry, but Kate is not behaving and we are going to have to leave”.  As we were in the driveway and I was dealing with getting Kate into the car, Grampy said to my husband, “You’ve got problems”.  I was still mortified.  My husband always remembered this and thinks that it was Grampy’s best line ever.


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