8 Billion People

 Sometimes when I’m out and I see new and unfamiliar faces everywhere that I go, I can’t help but think about the huge number of human beings that are presently living on our planet.  It is amazing to think that, in all but the smallest of towns, none of us can even know all of the people that live in the same town or city that we do, and all of these unknown people living so close to us are just a drop in the bucket of the worldwide sea of humanity.  This fact makes it rather unfathomable to imagine how many human beings exist around the entire planet.  Even more amazing is that each of us have lived and are living completely unique lives with unique stories that are a mixture of who we are and what experiences we have.  What a vast ocean of life stories and personal experiences are attached to all of the human lives that have taken place and are currently taking place on our planet.  Imagine all that could be understood by truly having knowledge of all of these stories and how they were personally experienced.

These are the kinds of contemplations that feel deep and meaningful to me even when my thoughts also seem to just be unremarkable statements about things that are obvious and require little thought.


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