A Former President


Just some added reflections. 

He tried to overturn a presidential election in a democratic nation of which he was president.  The United States of America.

Dear Mr. Former President,

You cannot gallop through a term of presidency on a bouncy horse as though it were child’s play, as your government officials are struggling to deal with the lack of having any real presidential leadership and also with the fear of retribution if they don’t show loyalty and support to their dysfunctional leader.  When you become the president of a nation, you kind of really do have to start taking all matters of government seriously, including representing yourself in a mature and trustworthy presidential manner.  This would require some actual worry and concern about the matters facing our nation and about our country being a strong and unified nation.  It would also require concern about your own words, image and behavior as our nations leader.  If this is not what you truly seek to do and feel if you are once again elected as our nations president, then maybe you should instead consider a path of spiritual humility, and trust in its guidance. Maybe you could just enjoy your wealth and start listening for thoughts about things that you don’t have answers to.  You might actually find that seeking answers to these questions is important and of concern to you.  You might want to engage in a little self examination.  


An American citizen

If only this was possible for our former president.  


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