
These are images that I received from DeepArt when I put in the prompt butthead.  

A young DT butthead perhaps.

The “If you are weak, you are my prey” butthead.

A never grew up butthead.

An “I am a butthead therefore I am” butthead.

A *ut head. 🫨🫢

A needs to wake up because real life is coming butthead.

An “I’m a butthead because it makes me cool” butthead.

A shut off my brain butthead.  No judgement except when a father of young children, with a stressed out partner.  

A pretty boy butthead.

A Peter Pan butthead.

This one doesn’t look like a butthead.

The “I’m a butthead because it’s my choice” butthead.  Live and let live.

The “I don’t have anything better to do” butthead.

The blockhead butthead.



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