Bully Supporters

Bully supporters.  That’s what Trump supporters are whether or not they realize it, admit it, or care.  They just completely deny, block out and forget about everything terrible that he has done, and will continue to do, in their desire to believe that he is their hero and the man who is going to take no shit and kick ass and make America great again.  It is a fantasy that they are buying into because he himself exists in his always self assured narcissistic fantasy land.  It will all be great until the day comes when they realize that they are the ones who he doesn’t give a shit about when their issues and needs are not aligned with and supportive of his agenda which is mostly about his own power and self glorification.  He is a convicted felon with many more charges against him but none of that matters.  He is always just the victim of the ignorant and stupid democrats and American people who seek to sabotage and stop him from doing his magical great work of making America great again.  I can’t help commenting after seeing bits of the Republican National Convention where he is being worshipped and glorified as if he is nothing but a great man and leader and nothing ridiculous and outrageous has even taken place.  This is the thought that I find myself having.  Germany survived Hitler and went on to be a normal and civilized nation.  We can only hope that the same will be true for America if we have to endure another 4 years of having Trump as our president.

I guess I am forgetting the part though about Hitler having caused a World War, and we are now living in a very different world.

Update: My apologies for neglecting to mention the fact that Hitler also caused the extreme suffering and deaths of 6 million people.  I would never forget what happened to and was done to all those people.  Germany the country may have survived Hitler but all the people who didn’t will always matter. 


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