A Not So Silly Story

 Today I attended a Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Veteran’s War Memorial of Texas.  I got to sit with the VIP people.  So at one point during the ceremony, someone’s cell phone started playing Annie Lennix music.  Ok, the one point was actually during the talk by our State Senator Juan Hinojosa.  It sounded to me like the music was coming from behind me and to my left.  I thought to myself, “Oops, I’m glad that isn’t my phone”.  But then a few seconds later, to my horror, I realized that the offending cell phone from which the music was playing was in my own lap. 😲 I was the dip shit that I thought was behind me.  I had neglected to think to turn my cell phone off before the ceremony.  But what’s the deal with Apple Music suddenly being able to play itself through my cell phone when I was not even touching my phone.  There is a lot to be confused about in the wilderness of technology.  Making memories as they say. 


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