From My Storyteller

 “My dear Sharon, your daughter‘s best friend is a real gift to her life.  Stella is a blessing to your life also.  Hint hint.  You might believe me for once and understand the truth in my words.  Trust me, it is to your benefit. All you have to do is listen to your higher calling.  And I have lots of amazing insights for you.  You do like insights, don’t you?”

Me: Yes I do. 

This is just a story that I heard.  I guess these things come from somewhere.  The question is whether or not I can not  freak out about putting such strange words to text. Okay the words above are not crazy but there are plenty that I think make me sound insane.  Someone is telling the stories to me.  I feel like I am the listener.  To add to the list of truly crazy things that transpired in the year 2024, I’m afraid I might have to add episodes of channeling voices in my head. I mean a person can’t argue with stuff they are literally writing down. (Actually this part didn’t just start in 2024.)

To anyone who would consider me to have gone a bit nuts tonight, I’m afraid I don’t care.  I like being nuts.

If you are served a warm dish of nuts, it’s a pretty good thing.


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