
 What is long in front of us and short behind us?


I think of for example a child who has their whole life ahead them.  To think of them having 50 or 60 years before they even reach the age of being an older adult seems like an amount of time that will take a very long to pass.  Once a person does live this long though, it is remarkable how easy it is to get there.  Well maybe not easy as in life experiences but easy as in how assuredly decades do pass by.  I hope I still have decades left.  I always gauged how long I could live based on how long my grandmothers lived which was 92 and 93 years.  I realize now, though, that every person’s life story is unique and there are no guarantees.  No one really wants to become old but at the same time being old is a gift of good fortune.  We have a sweet lady who is a DAR member who is 94 years old and she is still doing very well and getting around very well.  This year we have lost 2 active members that were younger than she at ages 69 and 84.  She comes to meetings now and says, “I’m here!”  Indeed you are Mary and I hope you keep going strong. ❤️😄


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