Donder The Reindeer

 About Donder the reindeer.  How in the hell did I spend my entire childhood and teenage and a good chunk of my adult years thinking that his name was “Donner” if he is actually “Donder” ?!! 😱

Hmm, 🤔 did Donder have a red nose like Rudolph?  Maybe it was something that occasionally popped up in their gene pool.  Maybe Donder’s was red but didn’t light up.  Oh dear me, I can’t help it if I am crazy.  I was just born this way and now evidently I have happily embraced another level of nuts. 😁  Isn’t Donder cute though!!  🥰🦌 

And now I have had the idea that I should share the image below because surely I must think that it is cute also! 😁  This was based on a story of a fundraising event that included a lot of important people and a llama.  Oh and a Kazoo.  🥴 🤒


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