The Grab Bag Gift

Hearing the voice of my higher self:

Don’t you see the meanings in the grab bag gift story?  Receive it.

Okay well, I definitely won first place for the booby prize at our chapters Month of December holiday grab bag gift exchange.

But now I’m thinking that maybe one of the most important gifts that we all need to give to each other during the holiday season, and particularly during the holiday season, is just some love and understanding. 

And Sharon think about what Anne’s past might have been.  And this is regardless of whether or not she is the giver of the gift bag you received.  How would you feel about her if you perhaps knew more about her and her life experiences?  And maybe the grab gift you received went to the right person.  See the treasures of opportunities for insights that present themselves to you in your life.  Our life experiences can be amazing gifts to us if we can find our way to unwrap them.  Merry Christmas.  And best of luck to you in finding and feeling the real spirit of Christmas.  And Merry Christmas again.  You get double Merry Christmas. 

And don’t forget with all that left and right swapping, the grab bag gift you received could have gone to anyone.  But you were the lucky one to receive it.  And it has gifts for you.  And they are yours to keep.

We played a left and right swapping game that involved the reading of stories and lots of left and right swapping of grab bag gifts upon hearing the words left and right in the stories.  It was a left and right theme.  Like has so many connecting themes and stories when we perceive of them.


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