On Having No Children

On having no grandchildren.  This was a happy contemplation that I found in my head tonight before it veered off to Mr. Trump and Elon Musk.  So now backing up again, I found this thought in my mind on this Christmas Eve Eve (now Christmas Eve).

And my very rapidly processed feeling is that I am okay with this.  This does seem to be what the future holds for me.  My daughter definitely will not be having children md my son’s girlfriend does not want to have children.  And I am okay with this reality.  My son’s happiness is truly what matters the most to me.  And this will also bring me much happiness. (My thought is about my son tonight because he is the one whose future prospect of having children was previously unknown.)  And whether or not I am ever a grandmother is less important.  My son and his girlfriend are such a beautiful couple and if not parenting is the life that will make them most happy, then this is what I want also. 


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