Confession To My Brother

 One time when we were kids, I was really mad at my brother for some reason that I can’t remember now, and I made a puncture in his Stretch Armstrong figure with a pen.  After I did it though, I felt bad and was totally freaked out.  I tried some different things hoping that I could magically fix it.  I don’t remember everything I did.  I think I tried gluing it and squeezing the puncture closed hoping that it would stick back together again.  I do remember that I put a bandaid on it and then hid it somewhere in my brother’s bedroom so he would be unlikely to find it and hopefully not think about it.  I hoped that it would heal as if this was possible for a toy.  I just thought about this after seeing a Stretch Armstrong figure in a movie.

My brother wasn’t harmless to my toys either.  I had this little white dog that I really liked.  It had a string that would make it bark when you pulled it.  One day my brother took a pair of scissors and cut the string off of my dog.  He never barked again.  😲

#siblings #siblingsaresonicetoeachother


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