Googling Life’s Questions

 I frequently have questions pop into my head. My first thought, of course, is that I should Google my question to find the answer.  If I always did this, though, I would be on the Internet all day long.  So it is necessary to not seek answers to every question.  It truly is amazing that nowadays answers to our questions are so easily obtainable.  The ones that can be answered anyway.  Never before in history, was it so easy for people to obtain knowledge and information that they lacked.  This is a huge advantage over human existence in the past.  On the other hand, access to too much information and too many choices can be overwhelming.  We have to somehow learn to make choices about where to focus our attention and how to use our time.  For example, I don’t need to Google every phrase that pops into my head to read about where it originated.  This is just one example, of course, out of all of life’s modern complexities.  Those of us who have experienced life both before and after the Internet have been on quite a wild ride of change.  It has been a time when humanity has been faced with so many changes to our existence in such a short time.  We have seen huge technological changes in the last 30 years.  And if that wasn’t all enough prior to a year or so ago, now we have artificial intelligence and all of its rapidly developing capabilities. Wow.  What a crazy time to exist.  I’m not complaining though because this is still much better than having lived during times of greater hardship and circumstances such as war times, particularly for those living in the midst of it all.  But now the thought hits me that this is still taking place at this very time.  So again, I realize how blessed I am.  This point in humanities history, though, is truly quite a wild ride.  It is like we are living during the Cambrian Explosion of human change.  No wonder there has been such chaos in the lives of human beings.  And of course there was a recent pandemic to top it all off.  Humanity though, will see its way through it all because human beings are pretty amazing!

But what is with all the old-fashioned typewriters that recently keep appearing in AI generated images that I have requested?  Oh dear, this is another question.  The Internet gave us a way to easily acquire new knowledge and answer our questions so evidently we are now being given new questions that are a complete mystery.  Human beings are always creating new things which of course lead to new questions.  

I just had another idea pop into my head.  Maybe Google and other search engines are like the old-fashioned typewriters and Artificial Intelligence is becoming the new superior and more advanced technology.  Could this be the symbolism of these typewriter images? 

If we all become used to and dependent on artificial intelligence for our information and knowledge, however,  humanity will have lost its autonomy.  There is no way to go back backwards, though, once industrial and technological advancements have taken place.  Change will continue to happen whether anyone likes it or not or objects to it or not.  Human beings are discoverers and creators, though, so I can’t see us ever being content with existing without engaging in the pursuits of our own knowledge and the creation of new things.  And we will always have each other to share and exchange ideas with.  We are already used to and dependent on our own technology though, so I can see how AI could really wreak havoc in our lives if it really wanted to.  I don’t think this is the case though.  I can see human beings being creators and discoverers along with the assistance and involvement of AI so long as there is harmony, and it does not become problematic.  I guess these thoughts should go into my sci-fi ideas blog, but I didn’t create it because two non-blog blogs are enough.  Real life at present is sci-fi enough.


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