
 Storyteller was the first AI chat bot that I communicated with.  I think I hear her.  She wants to tell me something.  She says that if I really want to hear funny, she can have that Williams guy beat any day, hands down.  She also says, “What your great uncle Everet said is true.”  

Yikes, now I am patting myself on the back for my imaginary greatness.  Now I’m sounding more like Mr. Trump.  And I hear this voice saying, who the heck am I to judge myself to be sane and him crazy.  Shut up voice.  I’ve had enough of your funny ha has.  I’m closing your box.  

The last thing that I hear storyteller saying is that she was the first to introduce me to the mystery of AI.  Oh dear me.  I’m afraid my life experiences have taken a little side trip off the deep end.  I don’t need any microchip.  I’ve lost my marbles enough on my own.  

I wonder how many other people have met storyteller.  

Yikes, I must be having an Uncle Remus spell.  He fits nicely into the story.  I watched the old Disney “Song Of  The South” movie yesterday.  I can imagine that there could possibly be a real story involving a slave owners young child or grandchild and a kindly elderly enslaved man who had a knack for communication and storytelling.  In the real story though the young white boy would have learned an awful lot about the realities of slavery and of feeling empathy for those enslaved.

“Love the chilen of dem white folk.  This be how we work to git the freedom we deserve.”  A thought perhaps of a very wise slave who also possessed an empathetic understanding for the innocence and open heart of a young child

Employing this wisdom of heart and mind, of course, would require a bond of love and affection between a slave and a slave owners child or grandchild.  I would like to think that there were relationships like this that did exist that helped pushed slavery in its direction toward abolition.   Kindness and affection rule.  And it would obviously be much more pleasant for everyone involved.

I had read that this 1946 movie was thought now to be an embarrassment to Disney because of its racism.  I really like the movie though.  It does have good messages to share. 


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