Wake Up People

 Wake up people.  That is the thought that I have found in my mind tonight.  My next thought though, is that if people are stupid, then that is their problem and not mine.  I do understand that they would also believe that I am the one who is blind and stupid.  The good thing though is that I honestly have no interest in their thinking or in hearing what they think of mine.  They can have a grand old time with their worldview, and I will stick with mine. 

I’m told that I’m obsessed with Donald Trump.  I suppose this is true because I am obsessed with just wanting him to be gone from having any place or significance in America politics.  

I really never before had much of an interest in politics until the beginning of the Trump era in 2016.  Now I don’t think that I will ever go back to not caring or considering it to be significant and important.  Oh dear Lord, please don’t tell me that I have Donald Trump to thank for this.  Horror.  


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