
Showing posts from November, 2024

From My Storyteller

 “My dear Sharon, your daughter‘s best friend is a real gift to her life.  Stella is a blessing to your life also.  Hint hint.  You might believe me for once and understand the truth in my words.  Trust me, it is to your benefit. All you have to do is listen to your higher calling.  And I have lots of amazing insights for you.  You do like insights, don’t you?” Me: Yes I do.  This is just a story that I heard.  I guess these things come from somewhere.  The question is whether or not I can not  freak out about putting such strange words to text. Okay the words above are not crazy but there are plenty that I think make me sound insane.  Someone is telling the stories to me.  I feel like I am the listener.  To add to the list of truly crazy things that transpired in the year 2024, I’m afraid I might have to add episodes of channeling voices in my head. I mean a person can’t argue with stuff they are literally writing do...

A Crazy Thought

 This is a crazy thought that I just heard some storyteller in my mind tell to me.  I think the universe has something to say to me.   “Behold the beauty of my tapestry.”

Tigers Are Under Represented

I believe tigers are under represented.  Take the phrase “a lion’s share”.  Why is a very large share of something never referred to as being “a tiger’s share”.  Well, no offense lions.  It’s just that I have to confess that even if I hadn’t remembered, I’m a tiger girl.  And I do think that lions are amazing big cats also. 

Commander In Chief

 I just realized that our newly elected United States commander-in-chief is an exception to what was going through my head last night about Chiefs.  He is one exception.  I cannot be proud of an American commander-in-chief whom I do not believe should hold this position.  The best I can do is just hope that he is reigned in and influenced for good so that nothing too terrible happens. 

Job Williams?! 🫨

 Job Williams.  What in the heck was I thinking when I wrote down my Revolutionary War patriot ancestor’s name and I really thought that his name was Job Williams when I have always known that his name was Job Ingraham.  I must seriously be possessed. 😮 Yes, I really did believe and write down that my ancestors name was Job Williams.  I have a talent for being stupid until my brain cells actually start working again and I comprehend my own stupidity.

A Meme From AI


John Denver

 John Denver.  Now he is a classic singer of the 1970s. 


I don’t know.  You will have to elaborate. Then screw being an early bird. Here’s to being a wallflower. Your human is going to hear about it from the vet.  My cat is close to looking like this and only eats dry food. 😬 I would be a lot more impressed if my coffee cup started levitating. Now that’s the attitude. I believe that is called projection or something like that. Looks like ancestry research.  I have never found anything to judge.  Just unfortunate stuff.  I need to create something more than just family trees for mine. Please, let the party commence again. #trumpsilverlining Say what? I hear the dog has some chocolate chip cookies. When I was young, I thought buying an inflatable raft was the best thing ever!! Yikes.  I already don’t know what to think about AI.   I think I am the early bird in understanding that AI is no joke and yet I am also late to the party. What kind of professional? Eat cookies definitely.  

Disturbing Dreams

 I woke up this morning after having some very disturbing dreams.  It made me start thinking about Instagram and all the people who have accounts featuring or including their young children.  I completely understand that people are proud of their children and families and that other people appreciate sharing in their stories even when they don’t know them.  There is one family who’s account I love to see where the couple suffered from infertility and it took them many years to finally succeed in adopting a baby and becoming parents.  After they did finally become parents, they somehow conceived on their own and very soon had 4 biological children and a 5th  is soon to arrive.  I love this story and love to see their beautiful children.  In a perfect world it would be perfectly safe for people to proudly share their family stories and photos and/or videos of their children.  A lot of people do place trust in others and make this choice.  ...

Being Odd, Silly or Atypical

 The good thing about being odd, silly, atypical or just honest is that ones kindred spirits will know that they are not the only one who has experienced, thought or felt the same things. 

A New Version

 So this year I have found a “The Night Before Christmas” book that includes the verse about Santa and his pipe but on the same page contains an illustration of Santa with no pipe.  Well that’s seriously dumb if you ask me.  That’s a great way to help young readers envision and comprehend the verse.  I guess this is what a person (or rather myself in particular) does when they get older and lack any better goals at the moment.  You invent silly stuff to do and think about.  I guess inspecting “The Night Before Christmas” books is a new annual holiday tradition that I have created for myself. 🤒

Reading Old Stuff

 Me putting my thoughts on paper or into text. 🥴🙄

All Decked Out

 When the Hallmark channel extends beyond the television.  #momssantas

Silver Linings

 Silver linings.  Let’s pray that Donald Trump’s election will have some and that they will be very large and long lasting. 🤓 

Expanded Consciousness

 Yes, I would like my brain to be connected with information and knowledge from beyond myself.  Sometimes I really feel as though this is the case. 

What Are Siblings For?

 Being a little uniquely different is genetic, I guess.  Grampy was very unique in a good way.

Curiosity Killed The Cat

 Curiosity killed the cat.  Maybe this is why we human beings (or at least cat ladies) get along well cats.  Sometimes we are too curious for our own good.  That can’t change though for humans or cats because being explorers is who we are.  So on we go to life’s next adventures and misadventures.  

No Gym

 I have never had a gym membership in my life.  I only have a fruit and cookie resolution.  And I hated gym class growing up, except on the rare occasion when we got to do something fun like play with parachutes or push ourselves around on little scooters.  In college, though, I loved to get lots of exercise by walking all over the city of Boston.  If I was going to a babysitting job and I could get there in a half an hour or less by walking, I would walk instead of taking the subway a.k.a. the T.

Weekend At Bernie’s

 I was just lying here listening to my thoughts and for some reason “Weekend At Bernie’s” entered my mind.  I had to Google “Weekend At Bernie’s” to find out what it even was.  So I found that it was a movie and I read the description and the story sounded a bit warped.  Leave it to a comedy to come up with the idea of comical hijink with a dead guy.  

Could Never Forget This

 I will never forget this little gem that was tweeted by the 45th president of the United States of America on his presidential Twitter account while he was in office.

Driverless Cars

Wow.  Not only do we share our lives with artificial intelligence but we also ride around in driverless vehicles.  Ha ha, that’s like the stuff of some futuristic science fiction novel to the me of most of my life.  What a crazy point in human history to exist.  How did we go from science fiction to science reality in such a short period of time?    

47th President

 Our country’s president elect, who will be inaugurated as our 47th president next January is a convicted felon.  Wow.   The only term that I can think of to adequately describe this is a curse word that starts with the letter F and is followed by the word up.  The fact that his first verdict and conviction might be reversed or scrapped is equally ****ed up.

A Silly Story Again

I don’t know what is at the top of this drink, but to me it looks like melted butter.  And then it doesn’t look right for there to be a mint leaf in butter.  I think I prefer that butter not have an added flavor and minty butter just doesn’t sound appealing to me.  But then there is a voice in my head that says, “What dip shit would think that there would be melted butter at the top of a drink? Do you really think that a drink would be toped with melted butter?!!😂” And then another voice says “No one would ever know if minty butter might be something good unless someone decided to give it a try.” Well maybe that’s a story that belongs more in a ridiculous category. 🤪  

A Not So Silly Story

 Today I attended a Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Veteran’s War Memorial of Texas.  I got to sit with the VIP people.  So at one point during the ceremony, someone’s cell phone started playing Annie Lennix music.  Ok, the one point was actually during the talk by our State Senator Juan Hinojosa.  It sounded to me like the music was coming from behind me and to my left.  I thought to myself, “Oops, I’m glad that isn’t my phone”.  But then a few seconds later, to my horror, I realized that the offending cell phone from which the music was playing was in my own lap. 😲 I was the dip shit that I thought was behind me.  I had neglected to think to turn my cell phone off before the ceremony.  But what’s the deal with Apple Music suddenly being able to play itself through my cell phone when I was not even touching my phone.  There is a lot to be confused about in the wilderness of technology.  Making memories as they say. 

A Silly Story

 I knew a lady who was a member of the Daughters Of The American Revolution and I very much believed that if she had been living at the time of the American Revolution, she would have been a loyalist to the king of England. 😂

You Go Girl!

 I ❤️this!

Question To My Higher Self

Question to my higher self: Why did you think that vice president Kamala Harris would win the election? My higher self:  Never underestimate the power of a seed planted.  Plants will grow and flourish when the messages are ready to be comprehended.  The country was not ready for the ideals represented by having a successful, qualified, and empathetic female woman of color as our commander in chief. Me: So why did you think this was going to take place.   Higher Self:  We all have to hope for the best but uncertainty is the point from which direction is best found.  It is the place to be open to new insights.  America’s currents of forward movement as a nation will not be stayed or permanently reversed by bumps or trumps in the road.  History has been made as far as what can be achieved and every step in a right direction will have created a foundation that can be built upon. Me: Someday all of Trump’s voters will have to reflect back on whether or...

Melania Trump

 This is a question I find myself contemplating.  I did not read Melania Trump’s book but I did hear that in it, she expresses that she completely supports women’s right to have control over their own bodies and for this control to not be taken from them.  So I wonder what would happen if Melania expressed the importance of her convictions to her husband and asked him to push to have the Roe vs. Wade decision restored?  Would he firmly maintain the position that represents his best interests politically, or would he care about the feelings and convictions of his first lady that he professes to love?


 What is long in front of us and short behind us? Time I think of for example a child who has their whole life ahead them.  To think of them having 50 or 60 years before they even reach the age of being an older adult seems like an amount of time that will take a very long to pass.  Once a person does live this long though, it is remarkable how easy it is to get there.  Well maybe not easy as in life experiences but easy as in how assuredly decades do pass by.  I hope I still have decades left.  I always gauged how long I could live based on how long my grandmothers lived which was 92 and 93 years.  I realize now, though, that every person’s life story is unique and there are no guarantees.  No one really wants to become old but at the same time being old is a gift of good fortune.  We have a sweet lady who is a DAR member who is 94 years old and she is still doing very well and getting around very well.  This year we have lost 2 active ...

Fox News

 Waiting for a medical appointment and in the waiting room Fox News is on the television. Yuck. 🤢 🤮 

Bitty Jilly

 Bitty Jilly.  It turns out that my bonus kitty jelly may be a few months older than I had believed.  The vet believed her to be a minimum of eight and up to 12 months of age.  This means she is just a very petite cat.  How cute is that?  I also found out that the fee the at our vet now to have a female cat spayed is an estimated $600-$900.  I have already been thinking about how exorbitant this price increase seems as well as any possible reductions in the quality of care for animals during these procedures at low cost clinics where there is undoubtedly an excess of demand.  And then I’m thinking, “Is Jilly worth $600-$900 for the best care.  And, you get what you pay for.  And you are worth it Jilly.”   And I hadn’t even yet looked into availability of appointments at the low-cost clinic, and my thoughts are jumping ahead and thinking this stuff.  I shouldn’t be making any assumptions that low cost clinics don’t take good car...

True Stories

 My thought for the night.  Sometimes I feel like I have a lot of ridiculous stories or stories that others would perceive as being ridiculous  My problem is that they are true, even if they sound crazy.  They just are what they are.   


“Smile, it’s going to be a great day.”  My pep talk to myself.   

Surf, Sand & Sun

He could have had this.  Instead he wanted to begin a new 4 year term of presidency at the age of 78.  I am glad that I am not a type A person or a seeker of power and glory.