Donald Trump & Elon Musk & Slavehood

 Donald Trump and Elon Musk are both very very rich, but that was not enough for either one of them.  They both clearly still feel that they need something more.  I guess they both still feel the need to have great power and to be recognized as being awesome and amazing.  They need to be head and shoulders above the rest with their superior brain power and ability to take control and make things happen.  It’s really quite sad when you think about it.  They are very lost and their money is in no way helping them with this situation.  They can’t even comprehend their own foolishness with Mr. Trump perhaps being the greatest shining example of this deficit.  Once upon a time, I never would have pegged Elon Musk to be the man that he has become.  My son once shared a link with me to a Joe Rogan show where Elon Musk was his guest.  I can’t recall now what the topic was that he thought I would be interested in.  Anyway, Elon Musk during that interview just seemed like a genuinely nice and down to earth man.  What happened to him??  And Joe Rogan also for that matter.  Joe Rogan seemed to be a very nice and down-to-earth man also.  But then he flip-flopped and shifted his opinions to being the opposite of what he previously claimed to stand for.  Is he just a slave to his fame, popularity, ratings and money?  Isn’t that ironic to think of the richest and most powerful men as being in positions of slavehood.  What kind of slavehood?  I guess the kind that hinders them from making progress with their own personal, moral and spiritual development.  The kind of slavehood that leads them down a path of being personally lost.  I wouldn’t want to be in their position for all the tea in China. 


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