Playing President

 Am I wrong in coming to the conclusion that Mr. Trump is like a young child engaging in a grand game of imaginative dramatic play with the presidency?  I watched some of his executive order signing yesterday that was shown on television.  It seemed that he was just sitting there talking and signing all his executive orders with glorious abandon because he is like a young child engaging magical thinking.  He is the amazing and rightful king and whatever he imagines the solutions to everything to be, is what needs to be done.  And he has his buddy Elon as his pal to play the game with.  He doesn’t feel the proper weight of his decisions and actions as the nation’s president because he doesn’t operate with that kind of mature adult mentality.  All he needs to do is just clear away any and all people who might stand in his way so he can get on with his game of fixing and making everything great according to his own ideas and magical intelligence.  He needs only to be surrounded by loyal and supportive subjects who will do his bidding.  They don’t need to have any more wisdom or knowledge or expertise than he does.  He doesn’t feel the need for council or advice.  All that he does not know or comprehend does not concern him because he cannot comprehend of there being any such reality.  He needs only to rely on the greatness of his own mind and decision-making. As of yesterday, he was still entertaining the belief that the United States was going to spend millions upon millions of dollars for condoms for Hamas but the number had changed from 50 to 100 million dollars that was going to be spent.  He also spoke of how he had given the orders for the water to be turned on for California because the solution was simple and no one before him had ever been smart or wise enough to just do so.  Now thanks to him, the water is just flowing freely and plentifully.  I understand that I too can be wrong and not know what I am talking about.  (I did find some more info. linked below.)  I know that there is a world of information of which I have no knowledge. And I am no psychologist and I am not qualified to psychologically diagnosed Mr. Trump. (I do know I am contradicting myself here, but we all can only do our best to try to understand things and that is what I am doing.)  I don’t think though that I am wrong in understanding that there is something lacking in his mentality that prevents him from having any kind of proper intellectual humbleness or concern about his own knowledge and decision-making.  It is as if all the expertise and understanding that he does not possess on matters does not exist or matter and his pal Elon is the same way.  They both think that they just know how to fix things and they can get the job done, and there is nothing else to think or worry about.  During his executive order signing yesterday, there was a man standing to his right.  I forget his name.  He had this look of just being devastated and about to cry about what was taking place.  I suppose Mr. Trump cannot help being as he is and who he is, but he most definitely should not be the president.  He should just retire and go play in the sand on a beautiful beach somewhere.  If only that could be enough for him.  🏖️ 🍹📕 

One last thought.  I don’t know if Mr. Trump actually went to prison, if that could or would do anything to help alter his perceptions and thinking.  I have no idea. 

Well, I guess he did really turn on the water for California.


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