
Nutrition & Diet

 If my diet and eating choices are to blame for my heart issue, I am still in denial.  I haven’t changed anything.  Thinking about this, I realize that my cardiologist never said one word to me about food or my diet or making any changes.  I am wondering if she places more weight on the genetic component of these things as opposed to environmental factors.  I don’t know.  Thinking back on it, though, I find it a little odd that food and diet were never mentioned even when I returned for my follow up appointment. Image generator please replace the fish in your healthy diet image with chicken!

Older Entries

 My tonight’s thought is about my older entries in Just A Thought.  I have neglected, since that day at the post office, to continue to work on editing them.  My tonight’s thought is “Ok, okay, I will just forget about it and let them suck or rather not be the best version that I can make them”.  Off my “I should do this” list.  Adios this task.

More AI Memes

What is it with buying a boat, and quantum physics, and pizza, and work week blues?  I only give the image generator an unspecific prompt like “please generate a funny meme” or “please generate a clever meme”  and the image generator decides what to generate. Please elaborate. One with the mouse. There were a few times as a kid that I climbed onto the roof of our house and I talked my brother into doing this also.  I thought it was fun to walk around and “Step in Time” like Bert in Mary Poppins. 😲  My mother caught us the last time and made it clear that it was not to happen again.  I’m surprised that I did this considering that I have always been afraid of heights.  I have never had this experience and never will. Broshing.  I like that. 😄   Is there going to be another great flood or what? It’s more like, finding enough time for everything and time for rest also.  The struggle is real. 

Opting Out

 I chose to opt out of any of Facebook’s social requirements.  I think it is a wise choice. 🙌 This is a thought I find in my head tonight.  #notofacebook   I’m really glad I have nothing to do with Facebook.  Sometimes I am teased though, and told that I can’t look at things that friends or family members have posted because I no longer have a Facebook account.  I guess a person can’t just get to see the good parts without paying the Facebook fee.  I think people pay a fee all right in the amount of time that they have to commit in their duty to their Facebook friends and their postings.  It’s great to care about family and friends, but too much of it can eat up too much of the personal time of people whose lives are already busy enough.  And that’s not even getting into all of Facebook’s input to grab and hold the attention of its account holders.  When it comes to that, I think it would be a hell of a lot easier for people if they just paid a small monthly fee and that was eliminate

Googling Life’s Questions

 I frequently have questions pop into my head. My first thought, of course, is that I should Google my question to find the answer.  If I always did this, though, I would be on the Internet all day long.  So it is necessary to not seek answers to every question.  It truly is amazing that nowadays answers to our questions are so easily obtainable.  The ones that can be answered anyway.  Never before in history, was it so easy for people to obtain knowledge and information that they lacked.  This is a huge advantage over human existence in the past.  On the other hand, access to too much information and too many choices can be overwhelming.  We have to somehow learn to make choices about where to focus our attention and how to use our time.  For example, I don’t need to Google every phrase that pops into my head to read about where it originated.  This is just one example, of course, out of all of life’s modern complexities.  Those of us who have experienced life both before and after th

Pope On A Rope

  Pope on a rope.  If you wash with it, you will go straight to heaven.  This line is borrowed from a movie. 

Black Cat & White Cat

  White cat and black cat were sharing a fish.     Said black cat to white cat, “Please tell me your wish”.  Said white cat to black,   “I wish for the head end.  I don’t want the butt.”     Black cat said “Fine, you can chew on the head. I’ll swallow the butt, and then head off to bed.”     White cat said “Wait. That’s not a good thing. You might dream of butt holes. That wouldn’t be fair.”     “I have an idea,” said black cat to white. “We can nibble our fish slowly and stay up all night.”     “That’s a wonderful plan” said white cat to black.     “Then we’ll just drop the bones and leave them to stay and happily catnap the rest of the day.” That is the best that I could come up with for a little story to go with this image. 🤒

Stress Test

 I had an exercise tolerance test yesterday.  I had the test because of angina like episodes that I have had that are infrequent but the last one was more concerning and scared me more.  The whole experience seemed rather odd and I don’t know if everything that took place was normal procedure or not.  Toward the end of the test, when I was walking on the steepest incline at the greatest speed, the technician administering the exam started acting in an odd and surprising (to me) way and said to me a couple of times “Is what you are feeling normal?”  “Is what you are feeling right now normal?”  I was baffled and told him that I didn’t understand the question.  I was at the third level of a treadmill stress test that was making me very physically fatigued and worn out.  So no, what I was feeling right then was not normal. Duh! 😯  Seriously though, I understood that he was asking about something else, but I really couldn’t comprehend the question.  He then shut down the treadmill and stop

Patron Saints

 Patron Saints Oh My!  Who knew there were so many?  Holy Crappers!  I wonder if there is a patron saint of toilet bowls? House of Carmel.  Oh the funnies abound.  And now somehow I am contemplating a patron saint of toilet bowls and I remember that my family played a children’s toilet bowl game on Easter.  What is wrong with me?  I hope JC has a sense of humor.  I’m afraid that I might have to admit that I really am afflicted with a Robin Williams like comedic condition except that mine is amusing only to myself.  Oh well, it’s good to laugh even if I am the only one who appreciates my own humor. The toilet bowl game at least was not my purchase.  I just remembered to take it out so we could finally play the game, the only object of which is to be the last person to not be sprayed by the water. 🤪