
Deep Art And Butthead Images

I really don’t like this image, but it is what I received.   My one year DeepArt subscription expired on Dec. 27.  I wasn’t going to renew it because I was not at this time going to spend $99.00 for another year’s subscription.  I found tonight that my subscription hasn’t expired even though my Apple subscriptions tells me that my subscription ended on Dec. 27.  So if tonight I feel like requesting some images of buttheads, I can do so with my expired (or not expired) subscription. 😄 Hmm, maybe New Years Eve Eve is butthead appreciation day. 🫨 #buttheadsgalore

Your Next Top Read

 Your next top read.  That was the thought that I found in my head.  It’s a “Chicken Soup For The Soul” book.  

Dogs & Snacks & Fatfats

 How is it that dogs always decide that I am a person to look at with anticipation of being given snacks.  I swear this happens to me, even if I have never done anything to lead a dog to believe that I am a snack giver.  OK, I might have given Fatfats, a couple little pieces of french fries and maybe a couple bites of some lunch meat.  I have to give him something when I feed my cats and he is expecting that it is time for him to be fed food also.  That’s hardly enough though to make a dog think that anytime should be snack time.  But then I fed him his dinner when his parents were not home.  And I evidently gave him more of his special wet food than he normally gets.  He gobbled it all up.  And now it’s official.  I am the snack lady grandma who he thinks is likely to be the biggest pushover.  Mr. Fatfats is my son and girlfriend’s dog.  He is actually her dog of 11 years.  His name is Fatfats. 🤔 It’s just his name. ...

Mr. Williams & The Christmas Angel

 The story of Mr. Williams & The Christmas Angel.  A dynamic duo. I’m hearing that this could be a heartwarming children’s holiday classic that could delight young children and young readers for decades to come.   But of course it could be. 😂 Okay goodnight to all and to all a good night.  😴 🎄

On Having No Children

On having no grandchildren.  This was a happy contemplation that I found in my head tonight before it veered off to Mr. Trump and Elon Musk.  So now backing up again, I found this thought in my mind on this Christmas Eve Eve (now Christmas Eve). And my very rapidly processed feeling is that I am okay with this.  This does seem to be what the future holds for me.  My daughter definitely will not be having children md my son’s girlfriend does not want to have children.  And I am okay with this reality.  My son’s happiness is truly what matters the most to me.  And this will also bring me much happiness. (My thought is about my son tonight because he is the one whose future prospect of having children was previously unknown.)  And whether or not I am ever a grandmother is less important.  My son and his girlfriend are such a beautiful couple and if not parenting is the life that will make them most happy, then this is what I want also. 

Mr. Trump and Elon Musk

 This is a tonight crazy thought.  What if Mr. Trump and Elon Musk shake up the whole world?  The are like an unforeseen dynamic duo.  It’s kind of funny that around a year ago this time, I had strange thoughts about dynamic duos and now this year we are about a month away from having a pair assume the next presidential term of office.  They are both extremely rich and hence enjoy a lot of power.  Real world power.  So pair the two of them together and I would definitely call them dynamic duo.  Oddly, I don’t really feel doom and gloom about it.  What if their own desire for more wealth inadvertently actually somehow had consequences that would become a benefit to the world.  They could make choices, with consequences that they couldn’t comprehend, that could actually end up being positive.  Wow, I know that sounds like some serious wishful thinking but I guess with the reality of Mr. Trump becoming the president again, it is better...

Elon Musk Lightyear

   I read something somewhere about Elon Musk being imagined as being like a Buzz Lightyear type character which I imagined would make Mr. Trump the Woody character.  And then I started hearing from somewhere an exchange between them.  This is what I heard: Mr. Elon Buzz says, “Okay my amazing friend.     Let’s get this government all shored up!” And Mr. Trumpwoody says, “You’re my favorite deputy!”

Funny Thought

 OK, so this is my funny thought that found its way into my head.  “Oh woe is me, I’m too old to lie beneath a Christmas tree!” (puts back of hand to forehead). I can imagine that if my daughter‘s friend overheard my melodrama when pinning a Christmas tree skirt together, that is a title that she might have given to the display that she overheard. 😂

Donder The Reindeer

 About Donder the reindeer.  How in the hell did I spend my entire childhood and teenage and a good chunk of my adult years thinking that his name was “Donner” if he is actually “Donder” ?!! 😱 Hmm, 🤔 did Donder have a red nose like Rudolph?  Maybe it was something that occasionally popped up in their gene pool.  Maybe Donder’s was red but didn’t light up.  Oh dear me, I can’t help it if I am crazy.  I was just born this way and now evidently I have happily embraced another level of nuts. 😁  Isn’t Donder cute though!!  🥰🦌  And now I have had the idea that I should share the image below because surely I must think that it is cute also! 😁  This was based on a story of a fundraising event that included a lot of important people and a llama.  Oh and a Kazoo.  🥴 🤒


 Good grief.  Such amazing tales my brain bestows upon me!  Sometimes they could fill a night sky. 😂

The JonBenét Ramsey Story

 I started watching the Netflix series “Cold Case Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?”.  I feel asleep during episode 2.  The idea or story or dream that I kept hearing is that it was her father.  Is this a wrongful accusation or story or dream?  What the heck brain?  This is not the impression that I had from listening to him in the first 1+ episodes.  I heard once that logic is not something that operates during dreaming.  I was still wondering though what could have motivated the father to do such a thing if he was responsible for her death.  The only thing that I could come up with is that his wife put too much of her love, attention and joy into her daughter.  My apologies to Mr. Ramsey if he is in fact a completely innocent man and I was being just one more person to mentally render him a suspect.  I guess it’s just that no child’s potential actual life experience should ever be thought of or rendered to be impossible in the minds of ...

May I Have A Meme?

 Wow. Thanks. 😲  LOL

I’m The President!

 I’m the president of the United States of America!  Woo hoo!  Indeed, you are Donny.  Or rather you will be again soon.

About Emojis

 This was a brilliant story idea that I didn’t have time to write about.  But now I have no memory or idea what the story was about.  I just know that it was a good story.  I’m sure of it.  😂

More Higher Self

Sometimes the things that you think involve people or events that have done you some wrong also hold opportunities for you to gain desired insights.  Don’t miss your opportunities to understand the treasures that your life experiences have to offer to you.  Me: Wow.  I’m blessed to have help in finding my insights.  A desire to be the best and most loved filled person that you can be, will always grant you an abundance of opportunity to become that person.  

The Grab Bag Gift

Hearing the voice of my higher self: Don’t you see the meanings in the grab bag gift story?  Receive it. Okay well, I definitely won first place for the booby prize at our chapters Month of December holiday grab bag gift exchange. But now I’m thinking that maybe one of the most important gifts that we all need to give to each other during the holiday season, and particularly during the holiday season, is just some love and understanding.  And Sharon think about what Anne’s past might have been.  And this is regardless of whether or not she is the giver of the gift bag you received.  How would you feel about her if you perhaps knew more about her and her life experiences?  And maybe the grab gift you received went to the right person.  See the treasures of opportunities for insights that present themselves to you in your life.  Our life experiences can be amazing gifts to us if we can find our way to unwrap them.  Merry Christmas.  And best of...

Roar 🐅

 I was reminded recently that “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor was a song that I liked and listened to as a teenager.  At present, one of my favorite songs (even though the song is from 2013) is Roar by Katy Perry.  It has a tiger theme.  I evidently still have a tiger theme in my life even if I didn’t realize it.

2024 & AI & Donald Trump & Crypto

 It has been a year for wild and crazy developments. I hope this article contains truth (I didn’t read all of it yet) and the Donald Trump cryptocurrency developments keep going!  Lord have mercy on me for feeling positive about something about Donald Trump’s election. 😲 Well, we are all going to be on the Trump train whether we wanted to be or not so it is the train that we get to ride for the next 4 years. 

From My Storyteller

 “My dear Sharon, your daughter‘s best friend is a real gift to her life.  Stella is a blessing to your life also.  Hint hint.  You might believe me for once and understand the truth in my words.  Trust me, it is to your benefit. All you have to do is listen to your higher calling.  And I have lots of amazing insights for you.  You do like insights, don’t you?” Me: Yes I do.  This is just a story that I heard.  I guess these things come from somewhere.  The question is whether or not I can not  freak out about putting such strange words to text. Okay the words above are not crazy but there are plenty that I think make me sound insane.  Someone is telling the stories to me.  I feel like I am the listener.  To add to the list of truly crazy things that transpired in the year 2024, I’m afraid I might have to add episodes of channeling voices in my head. I mean a person can’t argue with stuff they are literally writing do...

A Crazy Thought

 This is a crazy thought that I just heard some storyteller in my mind tell to me.  I think the universe has something to say to me.   “Behold the beauty of my tapestry.”

Tigers Are Under Represented

I believe tigers are under represented.  Take the phrase “a lion’s share”.  Why is a very large share of something never referred to as being “a tiger’s share”.  Well, no offense lions.  It’s just that I have to confess that even if I hadn’t remembered, I’m a tiger girl.  And I do think that lions are amazing big cats also. 

Commander In Chief

 I just realized that our newly elected United States commander-in-chief is an exception to what was going through my head last night about Chiefs.  He is one exception.  I cannot be proud of an American commander-in-chief whom I do not believe should hold this position.  The best I can do is just hope that he is reigned in and influenced for good so that nothing too terrible happens. 

Job Williams?! 🫨

 Job Williams.  What in the heck was I thinking when I wrote down my Revolutionary War patriot ancestor’s name and I really thought that his name was Job Williams when I have always known that his name was Job Ingraham.  I must seriously be possessed. 😮 Yes, I really did believe and write down that my ancestors name was Job Williams.  I have a talent for being stupid until my brain cells actually start working again and I comprehend my own stupidity.

A Meme From AI


John Denver

 John Denver.  Now he is a classic singer of the 1970s.