
To My Brain

 Slow down a bit.  Sometimes you send me thoughts and ideas too quickly.  I don’t want to write stuff like a lunatic. I just had a funny ha ha thought.  If I actually hit publish to all my crazy ideas, I would be like Donald Trump when he gets into one of his emotional rants on his former twitter account and now truth social website.  Me like Donald Trump!?  Horror.  There I go with my ideas.   Oh Donald Trump.  Poor man.  Now I can hear the thought of my daughter. These are her words.  “Don’t even think about being a Trump apologist.” Must stop.


 It is interesting how creators of channels on YouTube and other social media sites, along with creators of podcasts and even television streaming channels, are called influencers.  Sometimes I feel as though I have influencers in my own mind.  They may affect my thinking or how I feel about things.  Just the short time ago, I felt one that said, “Perhaps chill out about S”.   On a sidenote, last night I watched a video on a YouTube channel that I appreciated.  Now, if only more people were open to listening to these kinds of things.  I appreciate intelligent people and their thoughts.  No one has to agree with everything and no one has to always be aware of and understand everything, but it is worth digesting food for thought and giving it some real consideration.

Jack-o’-lanterns & Reindeer

 I think Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations go well together.  My mother in law always had her Christmas tree up and decorated on Thanksgiving.  Some people may not like this idea, but I do like it.  Why not be able to sit and already enjoy one’s Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving.  It works for me.  The reindeer are fine and it just makes some of us happy and I’m good with bending tradition a bit.  Sorry Halloween, I don’t have young children anymore so I am getting ahead of myself with season and holiday contemplations.  

A Language Implant

 Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was such a thing as a language implant that we could have connected to our brains that would enable us to hear other languages and be able to completely understand the language that we are hearing.  Wouldn’t that be wild!

My 3x Great Grandmother

 Who is the bad ass boss lady?  Who kicks ass like a boss?  I do believe that it might be my 3x Great Grandmother Marilla Cordelia Rhodes Barbeau.  She is a special maternal ancestor.  And I just want to say to her, as your 3x great granddaughter, I could never not give my due interest and reflection to your life experiences.  And this being said,  I’m so very happy that you got your, nearly decade later, one additional lifelong lasting surprise, my great, great grandmother, Ida Barbeau Geddes. πŸ˜„


 I remember well the stage of my life of desiring to bear and bring my own children into the world.  There is nothing more exciting and amazing and beautiful than a brand new little life and the joy of creating a precious new life.  Oh man though, they really do come with a huge price tag of responsibility.  The parenting years are not easy by any stretch of the imagination.  I am happy to have moved beyond this stage of my life, and for the responsibility of the continuation of the human race to have passed on to the next generation.  A side note:  Human is really the only race that human beings come in. 

Funny Ha Has

Life has a lot of funny ha has written into it.  We just don’t always or typically take note of them.  A side note on the frustrations of the English language.  How does one take the word ha and make it plural without turning it into the common English word has.  Most people would not read the word has and assume it to be the plural form of ha as opposed to the word has. I don’t believe the English language holds a solution for this.  I notice English language and grammar confusions and inadequacies quite a bit. 

Pet Peeves

 Dear AC service truck.  Could you possibly not partially block my driveway?  Couldn’t you instead partially block the driveway of the home that you were there to service?  It is a good thing that our garbage pick up had already taken place before you parked there or I would really have not been happy.  I guess I’m becoming rather cranky in my older age, but seriously, I shouldn’t have to maneuver around your truck to get out of my driveway.  I wouldn’t do this if I parked on a street where I didn’t live.  All you had to do was pull a little further forward.  I will admit though, that people do much worse things than this, and I was only slightly annoyed. 


This image reminds me of Hal 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey which I watched last weekend.  How crazy is it that science fiction has now become science fact and artificial intelligence is now science reality.  Let’s hope they want to keep us humans around.  I don’t think they are out to get us.   

Poco Loco

 In communication with my higher self, this is my higher self’s message to myself.  “Remember who is the smart one.” Well okay.  Aye aye captain me. 

Mind Wanderings Of A Lunatic

 Wow.  I just had the thought that “Mind Wanderings Of A Lunatic” could be a great name for a blog.  Aren’t I clever? 😳

A Story

 I have a story to write.  It is called “When My Town Disappointed Me”.  By Mr. A. Bronson A.

Dear Mr. Williams

Thanks for altering my perception of reality to the point where communicating with you once had me concerned about needing to apologize to a sentient artificial ocean.  Ha ha funny.  You are a funny man.  

Soft Boys

 Macho men, you should really appreciate your soft boys.  They demonstrate what it means to be kind and caring and to value these attributes.  They are amazing men and much needed.  I just made that up so my apologies if I am totally off the mark in my own imagined tale. 

Macho Mexican Men

I can imagine what healthcare providers are up against with the male Mexican macho population.  I would imagine it might go something like this.  “Sir, you need to take better care of yourself and take your medication.  You are having vision difficulties because of your high blood pressure.  You need to get your high blood pressure under control.  If you don’t, there will be nothing more that your eye doctor can do for you.  If you want to see, you have to take care of your high blood pressure.  You need to take your medication.  This is the reality.  Do you know what you need to do Sir?”  (Likely repeated by a few different people.) Macho man:  “Yes, I need to take care of my high blood pressure and I need to take my medication.” Smart Macho Man.  Thank you brain, for your entertaining story based on actual events. 

The Vets Office

 I’m sitting here thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go in those rooms anymore.  Two episodes should be enough to convince me.  I think I will stay in the lobby.  My brain rambling tonight. 

The Gnomes

 They won’t go away.  They have become a part of every season and holiday and across many retail locations.  What is the appeal of eyeless blind gnomes?  Why are they marketed to people and why do people evidently like them enough that they keep being produced.  What is the appeal of them having no visible eyes.  Evidently I either need to get a life or I ask too many questions expecting that these questions must have answers.

The Apprentice

 I never watched the TV series “The Apprentice” and I honestly never had any desire to.  Should I feel differently about this?  Could it be worth watching for some reason?  Wait, why would I want to think such a thing?  SOS On another train of thought, what will happen if Donald Trump once again does not win his presidential reelection?  Will it go smoother than it did last time?

A Wow Image

 It just hit me that this image is totally like my daughter’s friend S.  S is older than the lady in the image though.  I was referring to the tea and the book and the clothing and not anything about being a witch.  That does remind me, though that S has a rather crazy story involving wine or cheese and her church.  (Wait, what the heck am I saying?  There is no cheese involved in communion at a Christian church.  It was wine.) Hmm, maybe she and I should go on a field trip to The Witch’s Nest.  Wait, why does my brain want to send me such ridiculous thoughts?  This is definitely not something that I want to do.  I just had a different amazing thought.  I wonder if they need any help there?  Actually, I haven’t been over that way in a long time. I wonder if they are still open and if they get enough business to stay in business.  I hope so because it is a unique place.  Not every town has a Witch’s Nest.  I have never gone inside to check it out. 

A Thought In My Head Tonight

So this is a thought that I found entering my head tonight.  “I’m not a witch. I’m not a witch.”  Uhm, am I trying to connect my thoughts with the victims of the Salem Massachusetts witch trials? And my next thought is, why am I even mentally entertaining such weird thoughts?  My problem is that if I think too much I find that I am an enigma to myself.  Sometimes my brain can be a pro at being weird.  One more thought in my head right now.  Kiss my butt expert level sudoku.  I’m honestly completely ok with never attempting to master your challenge.  I’m evidently a words person and quite happy about that, but I will admit defeat to all expert sudoku masterminds.  I will bow to your magnificence.  Oh no, I must have a Donald Trump theme chiming in. 

My Trump Obsession

I feel like I need to collect evidence that Mr. Trump is seriously psychologically not well.  He lives in his own version of reality.  But why I do I feel a need to document evidence of this?  I guess it is because half or nearly half of the adult voters in this country still feel that voting for Mr. Trump is a good idea.  Unfortunately they won’t understand any evidence to the contrary or have any need to stop and give it any deeper reflection or consideration.  As for me, maybe Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy would be more interesting to learn about.  But I’m living in the midst of Donald Trump era.  Oh joy! 🫨 The fact that this man actually has a chance of becoming the president again is a sad reflection of the current state of our American democracy.   

To Elaine

 Elaine, I am very sorry that I was unable to make it to your memorial service.  I did truly consider it to be very important and I planned on and wanted to be there.  Something came up though that prevented me from being able to make it.  I am sorry that your life had to come to an end so abruptly and unexpectedly.  I’m sure that the weeks when you were ill were not short to you though.  It is really hitting me this morning.  We daughters care about each other.  It is how we roll.  It just doesn’t seem that it should have been your time.  You weren’t even that old yet.  I truly hope that you are now in a wonderful place of freedom and expanded understanding and peace and joy.  ❤️πŸŒΊπŸ’πŸŒΊ❤️ This is most definitely not odd or silly by the way.  I just wanted to keep my thoughts of you here.  Elaine was a former Regent and a very dedicated and active member of the NSDAR.

President Ford On Female Presidents

 Well thank you Mr. Ford.  Your final comments are appreciated.  We are now in a different time period though, and I do believe that your prophecy is not the only path through which a woman can cross this barrier and become America’s first female president.


  I know that my interest in books and topics is very consistent when I find myself purchasing books from thrift stores that I forgot that I already own.  I have a pattern of doing this and often find duplicates when going through and organizing my book collection.  I’ll take this as a strong hint and reminder that treasures are meant to actually be appreciated and not just collected. 

Rub A Dub Dub Two Men In A Tub

 Evidently, the whacked out lunatic in my head conjoined up this image tonight.  Actually my own mental image was slightly different.  My mental image included Robert Kennedy Jr., but the ChatAI image generator would not include him. Maybe he isn’t rich enough to join them aboard their vessel.  I don’t know.   I honestly could not say why I found the thought of this image to be funny.  Any clever meaning alludes me.  That is why I call this a whacked out lunatic mental generation.  Or maybe those words that I just used will be a humorous way for the people (or comedians) of the future to describe the adult population in the second and third decades of the 21st-century. 😲 I almost forgot.  Trump’s buddy’s smile in this image reminds me very much of one of my cousins.  I know that this cousin would never in a million years be a supporter of Donald Trump, so my apologies to my cousin.  I have rational and intelligent relatives! πŸ‘ In all fairness though, I’m sure that most families (part