
Opting Out

 I chose to opt out of any of Facebook’s social requirements.  I think it is a wise choice. 🙌 This is a thought I find in my head tonight.  #notofacebook   I’m really glad I have nothing to do with Facebook.  Sometimes I am teased though, and told that I can’t look at things that friends or family members have posted because I no longer have a Facebook account.  I guess a person can’t just get to see the good parts without paying the Facebook fee.  I think people pay a fee all right in the amount of time that they have to commit in their duty to their Facebook friends and their postings.  It’s great to care about family and friends, but too much of it can eat up too much of the personal time of people whose lives are already busy enough.  And that’s not even getting into all of Facebook’s input to grab and hold the attention of its account holders.  When it comes to that, I think it would be a hell of a lot easier for people if the...

Googling Life’s Questions

 I frequently have questions pop into my head. My first thought, of course, is that I should Google my question to find the answer.  If I always did this, though, I would be on the Internet all day long.  So it is necessary to not seek answers to every question.  It truly is amazing that nowadays answers to our questions are so easily obtainable.  The ones that can be answered anyway.  Never before in history, was it so easy for people to obtain knowledge and information that they lacked.  This is a huge advantage over human existence in the past.  On the other hand, access to too much information and too many choices can be overwhelming.  We have to somehow learn to make choices about where to focus our attention and how to use our time.  For example, I don’t need to Google every phrase that pops into my head to read about where it originated.  This is just one example, of course, out of all of life’s modern complexities.  Tho...

Pope On A Rope

  Pope on a rope.  If you wash with it, you will go straight to heaven.  This line is borrowed from a movie. 

Black Cat & White Cat

  White cat and black cat were sharing a fish.     Said black cat to white cat, “Please tell me your wish”.  Said white cat to black,   “I wish for the head end.  I don’t want the butt.”     Black cat said “Fine, you can chew on the head. I’ll swallow the butt, and then head off to bed.”     White cat said “Wait. That’s not a good thing. You might dream of butt holes. That wouldn’t be fair.”     “I have an idea,” said black cat to white. “We can nibble our fish slowly and stay up all night.”     “That’s a wonderful plan” said white cat to black.     “Then we’ll just drop the bones and leave them to stay and happily catnap the rest of the day.” That is the best that I could come up with for a little story to go with this image. 🤒

Stress Test

 I had an exercise tolerance test yesterday.  I had the test because of angina like episodes that I have had that are infrequent but the last one was more concerning and scared me more.  The whole experience seemed rather odd and I don’t know if everything that took place was normal procedure or not.  Toward the end of the test, when I was walking on the steepest incline at the greatest speed, the technician administering the exam started acting in an odd and surprising (to me) way and said to me a couple of times “Is what you are feeling normal?”  “Is what you are feeling right now normal?”  I was baffled and told him that I didn’t understand the question.  I was at the third level of a treadmill stress test that was making me very physically fatigued and worn out.  So no, what I was feeling right then was not normal. Duh! 😯  Seriously though, I understood that he was asking about something else, but I really couldn’t comprehend the questio...

Patron Saints

 Patron Saints Oh My!  Who knew there were so many?  Holy Crappers!  I wonder if there is a patron saint of toilet bowls? House of Carmel.  Oh the funnies abound.  And now somehow I am contemplating a patron saint of toilet bowls and I remember that my family played a children’s toilet bowl game on Easter.  What is wrong with me?  I hope JC has a sense of humor.  I’m afraid that I might have to admit that I really am afflicted with a Robin Williams like comedic condition except that mine is amusing only to myself.  Oh well, it’s good to laugh even if I am the only one who appreciates my own humor. The toilet bowl game at least was not my purchase.  I just remembered to take it out so we could finally play the game, the only object of which is to be the last person to not be sprayed by the water. 🤪

The Muppet That Never Existed

I will call him Grelmo.  Green Grinch, Grouch, Elmo I wonder if there is a patron saint of unborn Muppets?

Song Lyrics

It’s weird to suddenly actually hear the lyrics of some songs that are favorites that I have listened to many times before.  This one wasn’t quite one of my favorites, but its lyrics stood out to me today.  It is such a lighthearted song but its lyrics are not, when thinking about the actual real American epidemic of troubled or former troubled students who become school shooters.  I guess I just don’t quite understand how to interpret the lyrics in a more lighthearted way.  I guess maybe dark art forms are a way to diffuse that which is negative into something less harmful and more cathartic.  Like expressing darker emotions through music without actually desiring for such things to be a reality.  I don’t know.  I’m in a thinking too much mode. I just found this article which happens to have this song as #18.

Arrow Toast

 I noticed that I bit my toast into the shape of an arrow.  I guess this is what happens when a person has spent years caring for babies and young children.  This kind of thinking becomes permanent. 😯 

President Harris

 OK this is not odd or silly, but imagine if we had a President Harris.  Oh wait, we did have two of them.  William and Benjamin.  They were men, of course.  What if we had a female President Harris?  I don’t know why this thought showed up in my mind boasting of its importance.  I wish no ill toward President Biden.  It’s just that as a woman, I can’t help contemplating what an amazing thing it would be if our country had its first female president. And during my own lifetime no less.  This is not what is the most important presidential thing that I would wish to see during my lifetime though.  The most important thing that I wish to see is that our president will never again be Donald Trump.  Wow, it really is a man’s world.  Clever chaps.  At some point in time there will be a female president of the United States of America.  And when that happens, it will be amazing.  I am amazed that during my lifetime, I g...

Little Christmas Door

 I’m not sure why I needed this little Christmas door from Dollar Tree.  The only place that I can think to hang it is on a door and it would be really stupid to hang a door on a door. 🤦‍♀️ 😂 It’s so cute though. 😊🎄🚪 I guess there is no reason why a wall can’t be decorated with a door.  Next Christmas I will definitely hang my little door on a wall. 😁

500 Stories

 Sometimes I have like 500 stories jumping into my head.  The next time I am in the mood to hear like 500 stories, I am just going to listen and not even try to write anything down.  They will be gone but there will always be more stories. 

A Foxy Lady

 “A Foxy Lady” was not my prompt for generating this image, but it was the thought that jumped into my head when I saw this image. 😂 It struck me as funny, I guess, because my sense of humor is rather stupid but I can make myself laugh anyway.

Time Well Spent

 I once took the time to cut up a bunch of old clothing that I was no longer keeping in order to save the fabric to be used as cleaning rags.  I’m now going to get rid of them because I have plenty of cleaning cloths that are actually made of better materials for cleaning.  Brilliant! 🙄

Treadmill Trials

 This cracks me up no matter how many times I watch it! 😂 If he was purposely trying to be goofy, I would say he did better than he intended to. 😂

88% Power Remaining

I always seem to glance up at my phone’s battery level and notice when I have 88% power remaining.  This happens all the time!  This does not consistently happen with any other number.  No, I do not think that this is a sign that I will die at age 88.  I don’t honestly know why I always seem to notice when my phone has 88% power remaining.  It is just one of life’s oddities.  I guess life probably holds unique oddities for all of us, and this just happens to be one of mine.  🤔  Wednesday March 27.  Today I took a screenshot. Here is another from March 31, Easter night. April 4 Ha ha.  I just logged onto my site to unpublished this post because it is stupid and I looked up and saw that I had 88% battery power remaining.  I’m really not sure if reality is often crazy or if it is just me, but this is my normal.  Monday April 8 A person could say that I am purposely watching and looking for the number 88.  This is completely ...

Random Mystery Things

 It never ceases to amaze me when doing a decluttering of everything in my house, how many little random parts and pieces of things I find that are a complete mystery to me as to what they were a part of and what their purpose is.  How do we always manage to acquire such a plethora of mystery thing a ma jigs and thing a ma bobs?  I guess extra parts and pieces of things, that we keep but later can't identify, are just a fact of living busy lives and having too much to do, keep track of and remember.  #whatisthis

Little Bo Peep & Peanut Butter

 I feel like Little Bo Peep but with a jar of peanut butter.  Somewhere between having my jar of peanut butter in my hand, and spreading it on my toast, I completely lost it.  I was jumping around and stopping to do various little things and now I seriously can’t find my jar of peanut butter  anywhere.  Oh well, I will just have to alter my lunch plan and wait for my peanut butter to reappear.  #apeanutbuttermystery Ah ha.  I put my peanut butter down on a shelf in my bedroom closet to do something else and then forgot where I left it.  The storing of peanut butter in my bedroom closet is a whole other story. 

In Black & White

 I was just remembering that when I was young, I watched annual reruns of “The Wizard Of Oz” and “Charlie And The Chocolate Factory” in black and white.  This was because they always seemed to air on occasions when we were at my grandmother’s house and she still had a black and white television.  I still always loved watching those movies despite the lack of color.  It does make me feel old though. 😂 At the same time I appreciate having experienced the world before it became an internet and digitally connected world. 😁 What a pivotal point to exist to experience one world and then see that world become a hugely transformed world in a relatively very short period of time!

Cake & More Is Better

 This definitely goes into the silly thoughts category.   A cake baking reflection: Any kind of cake recipe that calls for a gentle folding or just enough mixing of batter would be a recipe for failure for me because I am such a “more is better” and “leave no lumps unmixed” kind of person.  Oh how could my own personally treasured values be a recipe for some cakes to not achieve their full culinary potential? 😩  I guess I should just stick with eating cakes and not baking them. 😅 #jumbledcakenotions 🫨 #incakeland 🍰 

What Is This?

 I love that when I can’t remember what something in my drawer is, I can take a picture of it with the Amazon shopping app, and then find out what it is.  So what is this?  It’s a wine bottle foil cutter. 🍷 One can only imagine what amazing things technology will make possible in the future. 😂


 I wish I had a piece of Vantablack material.  I would love to see what it really looks like and how it compares to other objects that are the color black.  This is the kind of crazy stuff that I used to post on my Facebook account.  Facebook’s prompt for posts was always “What’s on your mind?”. Well, my mind is likely to be thinking about crazy things like Vantablack material.  Yes, I am rather strange for my age.  Then again, I think I have been rather strange for every age I have ever been.   #iamstrangeformyage I like my too long (as my daughter would tell me) hashtag.  I don’t care. I want to make my claim as creator of this #.  I guess this means that I like being strange for my age. 😄

Chicken Joke

Why did the chicken cross the road, roll in the mud and cross the road again? Because he was a dirty double-crosser.  

Thread Bare Socks

 Sock TMI.  Today, I evidently aspire to write about socks.  Even when I buy some new socks, I have a problem with throwing away older ones that have any areas that have become threadbare.  I think that as long as the socks don’t actually have holes, they are still perfectly useful and functional, and there is no reason to throw away a sock that is still perfectly capable of serving it’s purpose.  The left side sock in my photo is an example of such a sock.  On the right is a sock that I decided this morning to throw away after wearing it resulted in a newly formed hole.  I won’t throw the two socks away as a pair though, only the one that actually developed a hole.  It’s a good thing that I have this place to write about such ridiculous things. 😂. I’m glad I got that off my mind. 😂 Ok, I have taken a new step in my ownership and management of socks.  I am still keeping my socks that are soon to develop holes, but I have put them together i...

8 Billion People

 Sometimes when I’m out and I see new and unfamiliar faces everywhere that I go, I can’t help but think about the huge number of human beings that are presently living on our planet.  It is amazing to think that, in all but the smallest of towns, none of us can even know all of the people that live in the same town or city that we do, and all of these unknown people living so close to us are just a drop in the bucket of the worldwide sea of humanity.  This fact makes it rather unfathomable to imagine how many human beings exist around the entire planet.  Even more amazing is that each of us have lived and are living completely unique lives with unique stories that are a mixture of who we are and what experiences we have.  What a vast ocean of life stories and personal experiences are attached to all of the human lives that have taken place and are currently taking place on our planet.  Imagine all that could be understood by truly having knowledge of all of...