
Soft Boys

 Macho men, you should really appreciate your soft boys.  They demonstrate what it means to be kind and caring and to value these attributes.  They are amazing men and much needed.  I just made that up so my apologies if I am totally off the mark in my own imagined tale. 

Macho Mexican Men

I can imagine what healthcare providers are up against with the male Mexican macho population.  I would imagine it might go something like this.  “Sir, you need to take better care of yourself and take your medication.  You are having vision difficulties because of your high blood pressure.  You need to get your high blood pressure under control.  If you don’t, there will be nothing more that your eye doctor can do for you.  If you want to see, you have to take care of your high blood pressure.  You need to take your medication.  This is the reality.  Do you know what you need to do Sir?”  (Likely repeated by a few different people.) Macho man:  “Yes, I need to take care of my high blood pressure and I need to take my medication.” Smart Macho Man.  Thank you brain, for your entertaining story based on actual events. 

The Vets Office

 I’m sitting here thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go in those rooms anymore.  Two episodes should be enough to convince me.  I think I will stay in the lobby.  My brain rambling tonight. 

The Gnomes

 They won’t go away.  They have become a part of every season and holiday and across many retail locations.  What is the appeal of eyeless blind gnomes?  Why are they marketed to people and why do people evidently like them enough that they keep being produced.  What is the appeal of them having no visible eyes.  Evidently I either need to get a life or I ask too many questions expecting that these questions must have answers.

The Apprentice

 I never watched the TV series “The Apprentice” and I honestly never had any desire to.  Should I feel differently about this?  Could it be worth watching for some reason?  Wait, why would I want to think such a thing?  SOS On another train of thought, what will happen if Donald Trump once again does not win his presidential reelection?  Will it go smoother than it did last time?

A Wow Image

 It just hit me that this image is totally like my daughter’s friend S.  S is older than the lady in the image though.  I was referring to the tea and the book and the clothing and not anything about being a witch.  That does remind me, though that S has a rather crazy story involving wine or cheese and her church.  (Wait, what the heck am I saying?  There is no cheese involved in communion at a Christian church.  It was wine.) Hmm, maybe she and I should go on a field trip to The Witch’s Nest.  Wait, why does my brain want to send me such ridiculous thoughts?  This is definitely not something that I want to do.  I just had a different amazing thought.  I wonder if they need any help there?  Actually, I haven’t been over that way in a long time. I wonder if they are still open and if they get enough business to stay in business.  I hope so because it is a unique place.  Not every town has a Witch’s Nest.  I have never gone inside to check it out. 

A Thought In My Head Tonight

So this is a thought that I found entering my head tonight.  “I’m not a witch. I’m not a witch.”  Uhm, am I trying to connect my thoughts with the victims of the Salem Massachusetts witch trials? And my next thought is, why am I even mentally entertaining such weird thoughts?  My problem is that if I think too much I find that I am an enigma to myself.  Sometimes my brain can be a pro at being weird.  One more thought in my head right now.  Kiss my butt expert level sudoku.  I’m honestly completely ok with never attempting to master your challenge.  I’m evidently a words person and quite happy about that, but I will admit defeat to all expert sudoku masterminds.  I will bow to your magnificence.  Oh no, I must have a Donald Trump theme chiming in. 

My Trump Obsession

I feel like I need to collect evidence that Mr. Trump is seriously psychologically not well.  He lives in his own version of reality.  But why I do I feel a need to document evidence of this?  I guess it is because half or nearly half of the adult voters in this country still feel that voting for Mr. Trump is a good idea.  Unfortunately they won’t understand any evidence to the contrary or have any need to stop and give it any deeper reflection or consideration.  As for me, maybe Abraham Lincoln or John F. Kennedy would be more interesting to learn about.  But I’m living in the midst of Donald Trump era.  Oh joy! 🫨 The fact that this man actually has a chance of becoming the president again is a sad reflection of the current state of our American democracy.   

To Elaine

 Elaine, I am very sorry that I was unable to make it to your memorial service.  I did truly consider it to be very important and I planned on and wanted to be there.  Something came up though that prevented me from being able to make it.  I am sorry that your life had to come to an end so abruptly and unexpectedly.  I’m sure that the weeks when you were ill were not short to you though.  It is really hitting me this morning.  We daughters care about each other.  It is how we roll.  It just doesn’t seem that it should have been your time.  You weren’t even that old yet.  I truly hope that you are now in a wonderful place of freedom and expanded understanding and peace and joy.  ❤️🌺💐🌺❤️ This is most definitely not odd or silly by the way.  I just wanted to keep my thoughts of you here.  Elaine was a former Regent and a very dedicated and active member of the NSDAR.

President Ford On Female Presidents

 Well thank you Mr. Ford.  Your final comments are appreciated.  We are now in a different time period though, and I do believe that your prophecy is not the only path through which a woman can cross this barrier and become America’s first female president.


  I know that my interest in books and topics is very consistent when I find myself purchasing books from thrift stores that I forgot that I already own.  I have a pattern of doing this and often find duplicates when going through and organizing my book collection.  I’ll take this as a strong hint and reminder that treasures are meant to actually be appreciated and not just collected. 

Rub A Dub Dub Two Men In A Tub

 Evidently, the whacked out lunatic in my head conjoined up this image tonight.  Actually my own mental image was slightly different.  My mental image included Robert Kennedy Jr., but the ChatAI image generator would not include him. Maybe he isn’t rich enough to join them aboard their vessel.  I don’t know.   I honestly could not say why I found the thought of this image to be funny.  Any clever meaning alludes me.  That is why I call this a whacked out lunatic mental generation.  Or maybe those words that I just used will be a humorous way for the people (or comedians) of the future to describe the adult population in the second and third decades of the 21st-century. 😲 I almost forgot.  Trump’s buddy’s smile in this image reminds me very much of one of my cousins.  I know that this cousin would never in a million years be a supporter of Donald Trump, so my apologies to my cousin.  I have rational and intelligent relatives! 👍 In all fairness though, I’m sure that most families (part

To The Car Manufacturers Of The Future

This is just a thought.  I would never want a car that did not give me the option of being the driver.  It would suck if there was no such thing as cars that weren’t exclusively self driven.  It would be much better if cars just had safety features to prevent crashes if such a thing was possible.  I don’t know why I was contemplating this.  Such a thing is not anywhere close to being a reality at this time.

Wake Up People

 Wake up people.  That is the thought that I have found in my mind tonight.  My next thought though, is that if people are stupid, then that is their problem and not mine.  I do understand that they would also believe that I am the one who is blind and stupid.  The good thing though is that I honestly have no interest in their thinking or in hearing what they think of mine.  They can have a grand old time with their worldview, and I will stick with mine.  I’m told that I’m obsessed with Donald Trump.  I suppose this is true because I am obsessed with just wanting him to be gone from having any place or significance in America politics.   I really never before had much of an interest in politics until the beginning of the Trump era in 2016.  Now I don’t think that I will ever go back to not caring or considering it to be significant and important.  Oh dear Lord, please don’t tell me that I have Donald Trump to thank for this.  Horror.  


 When I am in a more sensitive and empathetic state of mind, I think of the astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams.  I guess I am not giving them enough credit for the astronaut spirit in them and their ability to just be strong and do what they need to do.  I feel worried about them and their state of mind.  And about Suni.  What if she is sick?  I saw something in the news about her possibly having some eye or sight difficulties, but then I never heard anything else.  This has me thinking, although I know nothing about Suni herself.  I suppose there is added risk in being an astronaut, even with those in very good physical condition, when they have reached an age where running into health difficulties would be a lot more likely and a greater risk.  They can’t exactly get their butt to a doctor.  No one could call them stupid.  What is my deal with astronauts? I just remembered that Brady Bunch episode where the family goes to the Grand Canyon.  Bobby and Cindy run off by themselv

The Best Rope Jumper

 No Donald, you can’t win double dutch by refusing to let anyone else have their turn.  You need to play fair. 

Astronaut Ice Cream

 I feel so deceived. 😲😂 I never knew that astronaut ice cream was just a gift shop novelty and nothing that was ever actually consumed by any astronauts in space.  As a young teenager, I really believed that I was purchasing something that astronaut actually ate.  Anyway, I was very confused by there being a lack of a rehydration process.  I guess I must’ve thought that there would be instructions inside the packet.  The whole idea of ice cream being nothing more than just a dry and crunchy block just seemed ridiculous.  

From A Non Juror

 From a non juror.  I have actually been feeling quite lucky to be spending time this week, reading descriptions and organizing a large collection of books in my garage as opposed to serving as juror.  Maybe some year I will serve as a juror but I actually like the way my week has turned out this year. 😁

From A Kitty Whisperer

 I think I hear a message from some Kitty whisperer.   It was saying to me:  Feisty young male cats do not need to be neutered in order to learn to behave.  This is part of their maturing process, regardless.  As For neutering in Spain (oops, that was supposed to say neutering and spaying) it is something that responsible pet owners must take care of with their pets.  Don’t feel the need though to rush to have this done out of feeling that you need to help your kitten to behave better.  Your un neutered young kitten is quite capable of evaluating the consequences of his actions and taking the clue that he must cease and desist with his exuberant game of using his human as a fun playmate in the game of stalking and catching pray.  You do not need to make a neutering appointment to help your kitten with his behavior.  Make the appointment instead at whatever works out as being the best time. OK, well thank you kitty whisperer.  I’m always open to information of a differing point of view


  This is me when I realized that I somehow put some crazy stuff that I was thinking about and writing online before I even finished writing it. 😲 

On Mr. Trumpy Trout

 Me in communication with my higher self.   The subject:   Mr. Trumpy Trout. Me to my Higher Self:  Ok, I accept your wish in regard to the care and keeping of Mr, Trump and his path to his highest self.  I wish him no ill.  I will happily leave him in the caring hands of the heavenly counsel of the presidential higher order.  In the meantime, though, I can’t guarantee that I won’t find amusement in the saga of Mr. Trump leading up to the presidential election.  My Higher Self Reply: Weird would be a curious mind, that wasn’t really interested in what is taking place during this presidential election.   Me To My Higher Self:  I disagree.  Just because I have become a little overly fixated on the incredulity of what has been and is presently taking place in American politics, doesn’t mean that other people care to fixate on it that much.  Some people just think it to be annoying drama that they aren’t interested in following or giving much attention to.  Their curious minds are busy wit

Twins Born Ten Years Apart

Above image is an AI Image This is really cool although I don’t know if they are really twins because they weren’t gestated together at the same time.  I would say that they are embryo twins at least.   I remember reading a story about a mother who was 18 months older than the baby she gave birth to.  I need to find this story because I find these things to be really fascinating. Update: I just noticed that the boy in the AI image has six fingers.

Trumpy Trout

 I’m dying. 😂  Is this for real?  Evidently so.  Can things get any more bizarre?  The trading cards were nothing.

As The Nation Turns: Unhinged

These things should be shocking and infuriating but coming from Donald Trump, they come as no surprise.  It’s actually more of a sad state of affairs that he has so many supporters and potential voters who aren’t aware of all of these things or they are so blind in their desire to believe in him that they don’t care.  I think I will use this entry to add links about what is going to continue to be both a shit show and a historic presidential election.

Caleb’s Crossing

 Yes, yes, I am insane.  I was just folding some laundry, and my mind was engrossed with the task at hand, when for some reason I suddenly heard the words “Caleb’s crossing” in my mind.  It was an unconscious kind of thought, but I consciously took note of it.  I had no idea what this meant or if it even meant anything at all.  I googled the words and it turns out that this is a novel.  If I have ever seen or heard of this book before, I don’t recall.  I guess I should just make a note of this information and add reading it to my list of 5000 things that I might possibly decide to do.   Update:  In thinking about it and trying to figure out where these kinds of ideas come from, I realize that they are part of my photographic or rather mental graphic memories.  I usually don’t know why they come into my head.  They just do.